Dissonance Productions
Release date: September 13, 2019
User Review
( vote)Tough times for Steve Grimmett precede the release of Steve Grimmett’s Grim Reaper At The Gates. He lost a portion of his right leg and then his brother died. Dark songs are inspired by Grimmett’s hospital stay. Due to a deterioration of his mental health, he needed help from band members to write lyrics and melodies. He explains “It’s a slight departure from what we normally do…it’s us with a modern edge…we didn’t use all the clashing chords which is typical of Grim Reaper.” Grimmett’s promo material touts his powerful vocal range is still as strong now as it was over 30 years ago.
Grimmett’s analysis of the band’s direction is accurate. Their sound has a modern feel which occasionally sounds like latter day Accept or Judas Priest. Unfortunately, the quality of song structure, melodies, and lyrics aren’t up to those standards and Grimmett’s vocals don’t measure up to his capability from earlier decades.
Both “At The Gates” and “Venom” open the album with solid riffs that whet a listeners appetite for an inspired chorus or signature bridge to take the songs to the next level. Sadly their potential is never fully realized.
The remaining songs follow a pattern of place holding riffs lacking melodic hooks combined with respectable guitar solos appearing out of an ether of averageness. The effect is startling rather than a culmination of built up tension. Grimmett tries to compensate for this malaise by inserting vocal fills which are clearly no longer in his range.
The one song which clearly outshines the rest is “A Knock At The Door”. The big melodic hooks and addition of backing vocals give this song a profound 80s Metal swagger. The tempo changes, solid guitar soloing and restrained vocal performance earn it a spot on your playlist.
The toll of painful personal events experienced by Grimmett make the mere existence of At The Gates an inspiration. Grimmett still has impressive pipes, but he over exerts himself attempting to elevate average material.
TRACKLIST (Highlights: 1, 2, 5, 6)
- At The Gates
- Venom
- What Lies Beneath
- The Hand That Rocks The Cradle
- A Knock At The Door
- Rush
- Only When I Sleep
- Line Them Up
- Breakneck Speed
- Under The Hammer
- Shadow In The Dark

Steve Grimmett – Vocals
Ian Nash – Guitar
Martin Trail – Bass
Paul White – Drums
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