• 6/10
    SEVENTH WONDER - Tiara - 6/10


Frontiers Music
Release date: October 12, 2018

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

Bassist and founding member of Seventh Wonder Andreas Blomqvist is proud of their fifth studio album. He describes it as “…everything you have come to expect from Seventh Wonder…” with “…some new flavors in there to keep it interesting.” He relates “We really didn’t think too much about what sound we were going for, nor did we have to force it, it all came natural…”

The natural recording process sounds uneven and has an occasional jarring mix of tempos and styles.  Early on, there are well-crafted Prog Metal songs such as “The Everones” and “Against The Grain”.  The latter illustrates the unsettled nature of the song writing: an acoustic intro leads to a soaring electric guitar bridge which segues into a piano and voice bridge then phases into multiple other bridges.  The middle five songs stray into disappointing Symphonic Metal. “Victorious” is formulaic employing the cliché lyric “we will be glorious, victorious” and a simplified song structure contrasting poorly with earlier songs.  “Tiara’s Song (Farewell Pt. 1)” could’ve been titled “Victorious Pt. 2” as it shares saccharine lyrics and similar structure.

“Goodnight (Farewell Pt. 2)” ladles sweet syrup vocals and lilting piano to become a sticky, ballad mess. The menacing guitar driven bridge is the sole redeeming moment.  The campfire sing along outro is nothing short of punishment for not skipping the song entirely.  “Beyond Today (Farewell Pt. 3)” lays all Prog Metal pretense aside as a full-on vocal and piano ballad with string arrangements.  More symphonic moments await the dedicated listener on “The Truth” which throws a female vocalist into the mix.  Fortunately, the album exits with a suite of Prog Metal tunes which saves Tiara from being like a dainty tiara and more like a metal crown.

While Seventh Wonder describe their sound as Progressive Metal for fans of Dream Theater, Kamelot, Symphony X, DGM, and Avantasia. Symphonic Metal would be accurate as well. Tiara’s best songs are Prog Metal.  Unfortunately, it can be a tough slog through Symphonic Metal bog to reach the Prog Metal on the higher ground.


TRACKLIST (Highlights: 2, 4, 10, 11, 13 )

  1. Arrival
  2. The Everones
  3. Dream Machines
  4. Against The Grain
  5. Victorious
  6. Tiara’s Song (Farewell Pt. 1)
  7. Goodnight (Farewell Pt. 2)
  8. Beyond Today (Farewell Pt. 3)
  9. The Truth
  10. By The Light Of The Funeral Pyres
  11. Damnation Below
  12. Procession
  13. Exhale


Johan Liefvendahl – guitar
Andreas Blomqvist – bass
Tommy Karevik – vocals
Andreas Söderin – keyboard
Stefan Norgren – drums


  • Zac Halter

    Zac was a reviewer here at Metal Express Radio, hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. His interest in heavy music began in the 70s with his father’s Johnny Cash albums. After cousins introduced him to Steppenwolf, Bachman-Turner Overdrive, KISS, Black Sabbath and Deep Purple, Johnny Cash didn’t stand a chance. The 80s were spent in full pursuit of everything Metal: searching for new music at record stores, listening to albums, studying the covers and sleeves, and attending concerts. In the 90s, he preferred Death Metal over Grunge and hosted the Death Metal Juggernaut on WUPX in Marquette, Michigan. It was advertised as the only prime time Death Metal radio show in the country.

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