Interview with Michael Vaucher (Emerald)

Metal Express Radio recently had the privilege to chat with guitarist Michael Vaucher from the band Emerald. Michael graciously talked about what Emerald has been up to and their awesome new album Re-Forged. Read on to find out more…

Metal Express Radio:

First, congratulations on your incredible new album Re-Forged! You guys have had a busy year putting this album together… talk first about what fans can expect from Re-Forged?


Thank you very much for supporting us and letting us present our new album here. Re-Forged is a great mix of Old School USA Metal, Epic Metal, and Melodic Heavy Metal. We really tried to make the album as diversified and exciting as possible — for us, and also for the listener.


One of the biggest changes for you guys is the addition of new vocalist Thomas Winkler. What does his presence bring to Emerald?


He is an incredible singer and our big chance to reach many more fans than in the past. He can sing almost everything; high pitched screams, powerful singing, and also very melodic warm notes. For me, he sounds like a combination of my heroes Bruce Dickinson, Michael Kiske, and Rob Halford. Also, do not to forget our new guitar player Manuel Werro. He had a big influence on the songwriting of the new album. He brought us some real killer riffs and also did an incredible job in the studio.


Being that Re-Forged is your fifth full length album, can you discuss how your sound has changed and evolved through the years?


We started with Melodic and Epic Metal. In the beginning, we had no experience and not much ability. We were very young and tried our best. Unfortunately, we never had a good producer, which is why our older albums have just an average sound. With every release, we learned a lot and we were getting better, heavier, and more professional. The new album is the first one that had a real Heavy Metal producer, V.O. Pulver (ex-Poltergeist, Destruction, Gurd). He helped us create a real powerful and pounding Metal sound, while still sounding Old School and not Modern, which is exactly what we wanted!


Regarding the songwriting and recording process, how much preparation goes into creating an Emerald album?


We had a lot of time for the songwriting because of the line-up changes. While searching for new members, we wrote many new songs. After the new members were in the band, we wanted to rearrange the new songs for the new singer and also write some new songs that fit great with his new vocal possibilities. That whole process took about a year. Before going to the studio, we rehearsed a lot and all details and arrangements were done before the recording. We finally recorded the album in 15 days with V.O. Pulver and some additional days at Adriano Troiano’s personal studio (our bass player). The mixing and Mastering were also done by V.O.


Each track on Re-Forged seems to portray a different style or influence. What bands have inspired you the most, and how does their music influence your songs?


We now have six Emerald members and six songwriters with an individual style. But, one band influenced us all a lot: Iron Maiden. This is the band that we all love and you can hear that in the guitar harmonies and in the vocals, also in some arrangements. Personally, I’m influenced a lot by old Savatage, Virgin Steele, Omen and Agent Steel. There is also a newer band which is a big influence: Cage. We were so proud of the fact that Sean Peck, singer of Cage, liked our songs and had the idea for a collaboration. You can hear this incredible singer on our song “The Secret Agenda”. Manuel Werro is mostly influenced by old Metallica, Slayer, and Destruction, and his friend Mike Sifringer (Destruction) also played a guitar solo on our new album, which was really damn cool for us.


One of the highlights on this album is the epic song “Mutiny.” What obstacles go into making a ten-minute song like this verses and rocking thrasher like “The Last Legion”?


We love long, epic tracks and had them already on our old albums (Across The Sea, Forces Of Doom). They show our love for classics like “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” or “Keeper of the Seven Keys”. Normally, it’s not planned that a song goes on for ten minutes. The songwriting flows like a river and suddenly a song has many parts and arrangements. Mutiny is written by my brother Thomas and I don’t know if he intended from the beginning to make a long track or if it happened by accident. But, it’s important that not all songs are too long. A great album also needs short Metal pieces like “The Last Legion”. This song was also much longer at the beginning with an intro and some other parts. When re-arranging the new songs with the new band members, we cut these parts and made a catchy song out of it, which is now our video clip and unofficial single.


Speaking of the video for “The Last Legion”, talk a little bit about that experience?


This is our second video clip and we just wanted to make it Old School headbanger’s fun. We are lucky that our drummer Al Spicher has a lot of experience in filming. He did some horror movies in the past; independent stuff but really funny Gore. So, we had his experience and our intention of doing a real 80’s Style Metal clip. We rented a great concert hall with big lights, loud Metal sound, hot Metal chicks and a lot of fun. The result was “The Last Legion”:


Can fans expect a tour and festival dates to support Re-Forged in 2011?


We’d love to play as much as possible to promote the new album, but it’s not easy at the moment. Too many bands, not enough money, and no tour support by the record company. So, we will play some festivals and single shows here and there and wait for our big chance to support a bigger band in the future. At the moment, we are confirmed for the Elements Of Rock Festival in Switzerland (with a few legends such as Sacred Warrior and Whitecross). Also, the Up The Hammers Festival in Athens, Greece (with WHile Heaven Wept, Jaguar, Ruthless and many more legends). A festival in Germany is also planned for August and March — we can support Blaze Bayley for two shows in Switzerland, which is very cool for a Maiden maniac like me. If someone wants to contact us in relation to booking, please write to


Do you have any final words for your fans out there?


Watch out for the vinyl release of our album Re-Forged in April 2011 (2-LP Gatefold). If anyone wants to get in touch, please write to: Emerald , c/o Michael Vaucher, Meisenweg 16, CH-3186 Duedingen, Switzerland,… or check out our music under or Myspace. Heavy Metal is our passion, we hope to share it with YOU!!!


  • Sean Meloy

    Sean Meloy was a reviewer, interviewer and DJ here at Metal Express Radio, based out of Iowa , USA. By day he is a straight laced, buttoned up, number crunching accountant; armed with his portable calculator. All other times he is a hard rocking Metal head! He spent many hours listening to records and 8-tracks with his father. Classic bands such as Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Kansas, Led Zeppelin, and Eric Clapton just to name a few. His father bought him his first record, Kiss Alive II, at age 6. By the time he reached his teens he was discovering all the Classic Metal of the 1980’s; Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Twisted Sister, etc. He became a huge fan of the Thrash Metal of the time as well; Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, Exodus, and Overkill. During the 1990’s he experimented with the Grunge and Hard Rock. However, by the time the millennium came he found himself going back to his roots and rebuilt the music collection he started in his teens.

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