Interview with Axel Kruse & Henning Wanner (Jaded Heart)

Jaded heart is a forward storming Melodic Rock band heading out from Germany. In the fall of 2007 they released their new record entitled Sinister Mind.

1. First of all I would like to congratulate you with a fantastic new release! Sinister Mind is a milestone in new Melodic Rock history. The music is extraordinary, full of energy and has a drive that goes straight to your heart. It is so much more than the earlier material from the previous records like Mystery Eyes, Slaves And Masters, or the latest release Helluva Time. How did you write the songs for Sinister Mind?

Jaded Heart: First of all, thanks a lot!! It is very simple, this time we wrote more as a “band” … rehearsing, etc. Everyone was involved in the process; I think that’s a big point for this record!!

2. This new release will indeed please the old fans, but another generation of fans will also discover this album. It has a sound that will appeal to the heavy-metalers as well as the softer pop/rock lovers. How has the new record been welcomed among your fans?

Jaded Heart: You’re right, that’s exactly what we wanted with this album. We all wanted to create a little heavier sound, but not to much to kick the old fans. It seems everyone likes the new sound, and they can check it out on the forthcoming, just confirmed, tour with “The Poodles” in March/April

3. Can you tell us a little about the recording process?

Jaded Heart: Not much to say about this, we recorded the drums together with Vossi (M. Voss), and he also did the basses. The vocals and guitars where recorded in Stockholm, Keys in Ratingen (Germany) and it’s all mixed and edited by Chris Lausmann in Munich. Then Dennis Ward did the mastering at his studio. Great work by all of them!!!!

4. There are simply no terrible moments on Sinister Mind Every song is pure dynamite! They shine out through a fantastic production. The opener “Hero” is a song that’s aching for a great sing-along in a concert situation. “Going Under” is another terrific tune as well alongside with the faster “Hellucinate”. The fans have their favorites but what is your favorite songs?

Jaded Heart: Well, you just named three of our favorite tracks. We will play these and some others live, and we think it will last a long time until they get exchanged.

5. Why did you name the record Sinister Mind

Jaded Heart: We are very evil and we love to be mean…hehehe. No, it was just a great title with a fantastic artwork behind it, so here we go.

6. Every song has a story to tell, what are the lyrics all about?

Jaded Heart: Love, personal moments, emotions and one song is about one guy from the past…Johan wrote most of the lyrics so he should tell more about it. “Going Under” for example is kind of a motivation appeal. Don’t let yourself go down, but take the fortune into your own hands…

7. The production of this album is awesome! It features a massive, grandiose and polished sound. The production is credited the band but it was mixed by Michael Voss, Chris Lausmann and Dennis Ward. These are well-known names from the Melodic Rock Scene, both as players and producers. Did they have a great impact on the sound of the record?

Jaded Heart: We know all of these 3 guys personally, so it was pretty obvious to do so. Vossi recorded the drums and the bass, Chris did the whole mixing and Dennis did the mastering. This is what you call team work, and the result stands on its own.

8. This is the first record that features the new guitar player Peter Östros. How is it to work with a musician like him?

Jaded Heart: He is a good friend of Johan so it was very easy to contact him. We already knew him from some visits in Sweden and he is a crazy guy…just like ourselves. So I wouldn’t call it work at all…it’s just fun. He is very creative and a great guitar player in general.

9. Jaded Heart has been around for almost 20 years now and with the new record it seems like you’re on the top. What do you plan to do next?

Jaded Heart: Conquering the world…what else can we do? Hehe…

10. Jaded Heart has grown a loyal fan base since the start, anything you’d like to say to your fans? ?

Jaded Heart: Thaaaaanx a lot to everyone for the support all over the years, see ya on tour (hopefully) :-)))

Thanks for taking the time to talk with Metal Express Radio and your fans. We wish you good luck!



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