Interview with Shelby Goff (Generation Beautiful)

MER: Let’s talk about your band, Generation Beautiful. How did you form?

Shelby: Let’s see. We formed a couple years ago. I was a singer and looking for someone to produce my music, so I came in contact with Anthony Focx, who’s been doing production for awhile, and we worked on material. Then, he and I started writing together and we didn’t realize “Hey, we’ve got a little something here.” So, we started writing and came up with some new material, so we formed the band from there.

MER: Since you brought up Anthony, explain why he’s no longer a member of Generation Beautiful.

Shelby: Let’s see. How do I answer this in the nicest way? It was just a decision that obviously he made – and we made – the four members of Generation Beautiful, which is myself, guitarist Fred, Jamie is the bass player; and drummer JV, we’re still continuing to move forward. I guess it’s just something he [Focx] felt he … wanted to move on. The four of us are still continuing as a band. I don’t know how to explain it without making things sound uncomfortable. I think it was just a mutual decision – his and the band’s as well.

MER: So the split was amicable?

Shelby: It was very amicable.

MER: Do you plan on replacing Anthony?

Shelby: Yes! We already have a replacement. Somebody that will be more of hired gun. He played a recent gig with us, and he’ll play the next two. His name is Zak Ambrose. He is a guitar player and is in his own band Ambrose.

MER: So, Zak is also based in California?

Shelby: Yeah, he actually lives down the street. He’s a real great guy, with a great attitude. He’s very talented. He’s actually a lead guitar player, and Anthony was a rhythm guitar player, so for him it’s not difficult. It will be nice.

MER: Do you have any shows coming up?

Shelby: Yes! We have a gig that we’re doing with All Access Magazine. It’s part of their summer concert series, with starts in late June. They are doing an awards show and Generation Beautiful will headline the show. The editor wanted to have an under 18 band play during the awards show. That way, it’s good for the magazine because it draws more people to the show. The contest will be at Harper’s Bar and Grill [in Los Angeles]. It’s a bunch of younger bands performing and whoever wins gets to open up the awards show, and then we [Generation Beautiful] headline. In July, we have a show at the Whisky [a Go-Go] for Women in Rock Night. There’s going to be all sorts of female-fronted bands. That should be a great show. The Whisky always does a really great show.

MER: The song “Freedom” is a great track on your live album. Did you write that yourself, or was it a collaboration?

Shelby: I wrote every single song that Generation Beautiful has. Anthony and I did collaborate on rhythm and music.

MER: Was the song inspired by your time with the Troops stationed in the Middle East?

Shelby: Absolutely. We spent five years, since 2002, touring with other bands and the USO. I just have a strong connection with those people [the troops] over there. I think it’s really important that was support the men and women that are sacrificing so much for us. I just kind of wanted to write something … not a real sappy song about God or whatever, but something. Something to reflect that we know it’s a changing world and everyone has the questions … and a thank you for giving us our freedom. That type of song. It was absolutely written for our troops.

MER: So, what’s it like performing on a USO tour?

Shelby: It is unbelievable. One of the best experiences of my life. It will probably go down with my wedding day – whenever that is! – and my first born child. It is truly amazing. You are treated like a celebrity, whether or not you are famous. They treat you like one because they are so ecstatic to see you. They say “thank you so much for coming.” In those two hours we perform, maybe for five minutes or even two minutes, they’ve forgotten where they are, or they find some sort of peace. Playing in the U.S. is amazing and wonderful, but L.A. is so saturated. It’s really hard to compare. Actually, there is no comparison in the appreciation, support, love, and acknowledgment of what you’re doing and exactly how you’re doing it. It’s night and day. They treat you like celebrities. They shower you with gifts. Anything and everything. When your set is done after two hours – which is a long time playing, especially me singing – they want you to do more. It’s amazing.

MER: Generation Beautiful: Live is a unique debut disc. Are you still working on a studio release, despite Anthony’s departure?

Shelby: Yes, a studio album is in the works now. It was supposed to be out in June. It looks like it’s going to be pushed back to the fall. Obviously, one of the reasons is because Anthony is no longer working on the project. We still have other resources, so we’re using those resources to finish the record and put out the album we’ve been waiting for. We’re definitely going to continue to move forward, and just really be what we want to be.

MER: Talk about your influences. Generation Beautiful has a unique sound.

Shelby: I have been influenced by so many people. There are artists that are just so talented … Pat Benatar is one of my favorites … and I love the Cranberries. I’m also into the Cock Rock stuff like Motley Crue and AC/DC and Poison. They’ve touched our music, but I like to say we have a modern edge. Still, we have guitar leads, but we come from a lot of musical influences.


  • Allyson B. Crawford

    Allyson was a reviewer here at Metal Express Radio, based out of Kettering, Ohio, USA. She works as a journalist at a local television station, and has a Graduate Degree in Rhetoric and an Undergraduate Degree in English with an emphasis on British Literature. She also owns and operates, a website dedicated to the Glam Metal movement. Her first Glam tape was Poison’s Open Up and Say … Ahh! She got the cassette for Christmas when she was in fourth grade. Her passion lies somewhere between the bars and notes that created the soundtrack to the never ending Rock 'n' Roll party that was the '80s. She considers Aerosmith's Rocks and Mötley Crüe's Shout At The Devil her all-time favorite albums.

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