GENERATION BEAUTIFUL – Generation Beautiful: Live

  • 8.5/10
    GENERATION BEAUTIFUL - Generation Beautiful: Live - 8.5/10


Release Date: April 6, 2007

User Review
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Guitarist Anthony Focx is anything but new to the music scene, having performed with both Bang Tango and Beautiful Creatures. With Beautiful Creatures on hiatus, Focx went looking for a new project and eventually formed Alternative outfit Generation Beautiful with singer Shelby Goff. Soon, the duo found themselves joined by guitarist Fred Nilsson, bassist Jamie Zimlin, and drummer Jerry Vidal.

Generation Beautiful: Live is a unique debut effort. This isn’t the first time a band has tried to spark interest with a live release (KISS, anyone?), still, live albums can be hard to push in a fickle music market.

The disc starts off strong enough with the noises of an excited crowd. “This Is Me” was written as a dark song, but the crowd and live energy make the track come off as an upbeat rocker, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

“Borrowed Time” has a definite melodic hook, and showcases Goff’s vocal range. The tracks also features some great guitar riffs and heavy bass lines. “Borrowed Time” is one of the heaviest songs on Generation Beautiful: Live.

The band has a relentless attitude when it comes to both practicing and molding a unique sound. This perfectionist mindset has landed Generation Beautiful several shows across the globe, including performing for troops stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The band wrote “Freedom” for the U.S. military personnel stationed abroad. The lyrics are poignant, but not preachy.

After the heavier “Freedom” comes the Punk-inspired “Breathe.” This song serves as a throwback to Focx and his Sunset Strip roots. While the track is definitely current, it also features a melodic hook and sing-along chorus. “Breathe” is definitely the stand-out track on Generation Beautiful: Live and judging by the enthusiastic response, it’s also a crowd favorite.

The live album ends with the appropriately titled “Rowdy,” a down and dirty rocker with sultry vocals and a unique rhythm section. With the guitars blaring and drums pounding, it’s sometimes a little difficult to understand what Goff is singing, still, “Rowdy” proves to be a fun track and definitely worth multiple listens. While Generation Beautiful: Live may not be the perfect debut album, it is a strong effort and proves that music is still alive and well on California’s Sunset Strip.


  • Allyson B. Crawford

    Allyson was a reviewer here at Metal Express Radio, based out of Kettering, Ohio, USA. She works as a journalist at a local television station, and has a Graduate Degree in Rhetoric and an Undergraduate Degree in English with an emphasis on British Literature. She also owns and operates, a website dedicated to the Glam Metal movement. Her first Glam tape was Poison’s Open Up and Say … Ahh! She got the cassette for Christmas when she was in fourth grade. Her passion lies somewhere between the bars and notes that created the soundtrack to the never ending Rock 'n' Roll party that was the '80s. She considers Aerosmith's Rocks and Mötley Crüe's Shout At The Devil her all-time favorite albums.

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