VANISHING POINT – Embrace The Silence


Release Date: March 27, 2007

User Review
6/10 (1 vote)

This is not a wet dream for any old school, diehard, sulphur-sniffing Black Metal loner. Embrace The Silence is the third album from Vanishing Point, and it was released on the 9th of May, 2005, in Europe.

The music from this Australian band is nothing more then one big pile of very average Metal. Okay, it doesn’t sound “bad” and the band knows how to play a song, and there are also some moments that are interesting enough, like the fast part from “Seasons Of Sundays,” but most of the time it is all too predictable. A song like “Hollow” or “Live 2 Live,” for example, keeps on dragging itself around, and in general, the songs are too long.

It is almost like Vanishing Point hasn’t gone through their musical puberty yet. The problem is that the band loses themselves in their attempts to mirror said sixth-graders to gain acceptance. They are not a bad band themselves … in fact the solo’s are quite good, the vocals are excellent, and the songwriting is top-notch. The production, unfortunately, could have been better.

The songs on this CD are all a bit safe and cliché. No real daring songwriting can be found on this album, and the conventional songs lack balls. No track really is memorable, although some are catchy. Musically, it all is well-performed; bombastic melodies, breaks, and they try to put down a cosy entourage. Nothing wrong with it, but there is still something missing, like the killer touch of catchy melodies, hysterical lyrics, frenetic guitar, and furious vocals.

There’s no heavy stuff on this album at all, instead there are intimate songs about love still being the strongest passion in life, faith, and hope. Songs about the feelings one can have for somebody, how relationships work and don’t work, misunderstandings, and all that it takes to keep it all working in life.

Well … some good tracks, but also many that are really boring. This album is only for lovers of the old, Classic Hard Rock style. It has no power and no energy. There is some quality within this CD … but it has too few highlight tracks to make it a must have!!!

Line Up:
Silvio Massaro – vocals
Tommy Vucur – guitars
Chris Porcianko – guitars
Joe Del Mastro – bass
Jack Lukic – drums


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