There’s a certain mindset and set of expectations that should be in place when you see a band that’s been together for 42 years. On one hand you have to realize everyone is a bit …READ MORE
There’s a certain mindset and set of expectations that should be in place when you see a band that’s been together for 42 years. On one hand you have to realize everyone is a bit …READ MORE
Overture! Many Hard Rock and Metal bands adopted the term from Classical music. However, over the years it’s become more typical for Hard Rock and Metal than any other genre I think. A fancy word, right? …READ MORE
It’s hard to believe that it’s been forty years since American Shock Rockers W.A.S.P. first shook the foundations of the musical establishment with their hugely controversial single “Animal” and their blood and thunder stage shows. …READ MORE
Here Comes Trouble With a Capital C You know Chris Holmes from his time as the guitarist of W.A.S.P. from 1983-1990 (and his subsequent return from 1996-1991). But do you know the real Chris Holmes? …READ MORE
Shots Fired on the Sunset Strip Steve Riley and Kelly Nickels’ version of L.A. Guns recently released their album Renegades [review]. The album is a return to that mid ’80s gritty Hard Rock sound of …READ MORE
Some of you might find this chapter a bit nerdy, but I think it’s important to talk a bit about technology. Recording devices have played a highly important role when doing interviews throughout the years. In the 80s everything was edited on 1/4″ reel-to-reel tapes. …READ MORE
I have liked W.A.S.P. since the first album came out in 1984. Well, actually I’ve liked them since they released the first single “Animal (F**k Like a Beast)” …READ MORE
If you are into classic Heavy Metal you are most likely also into Iron Maiden. I have been fortunate enough to talk with most members (both former and present) a few times …READ MORE
Most Rock biographies start off with chapters about the childhood years. I usually I flip through the pages until I find the spot where the childhood connects with music; the point where it all really started …READ MORE
When W.A.S.P. first burst out of the LA scene in 1982 their brand of Shock Rock made Marilyn Manson look like Little Mix. With buckets of raw meat, exploding codpieces, medieval torture racks and songs …READ MORE