NODAR KHUTORTSOV & RAPHAEL PINSKER (FELLAHIN FALL): “We Hope Our Music Reaches The Ears Of Metal Fans Globally”

Fellahin Fall band photo

Brooklyn Melodic Metal band Fellahin Fall are set to release a new EP entitled Urbana on November 17th. The band’s singer Nodar Khutorsov, and guitarist Raphael Pinsker took the time to talk with Metal Express Radio about their upcoming EP, what to expect from their next full length album, the Metal scene in Brooklyn, and more. Check out the chat below!

Metal Express Radio: Your band, Fellahin Fall are set to release a new EP entitled Urbana on November 17th, what can you tell fans about the upcoming release?

Khutorsov: Urbana takes inspiration from living in New York City. The neighborhoods, the people, the immediate and the unexpected. In this sense Urbana is a bound album, contextualized to my living in New York. The EP includes a cover of perhaps my favorite Woods of Ypres song “Everything I Touch turns to Gold” which in many ways captures similar emotions to what you hear in Urbana. In some sense Urbana is a “raw” EP.

MER: How was it following up your debut album entitled Tar a-Kan?

Khutorsov: Tar a-Kan is very different from what we did in Urbana, because Tar a-Kan is a concept album – an imagined not so distant future. Tar a-Kan is a transhumanist album and deals with those issues. Urbana grounds our sound, giving it more “life”, whereas Tar a-Kan was intentionally sterile and clean. Urbana is today, it’s a bit dirty, and the songs are sung in the early 2020s, rather than some imagined future.

MER: Do you feel Urbana gives fans an idea on what to expect from your next full length album?

Pinsker: Urbana will definitely give fans a snippet of what to expect, we have a handful of scratch and demo tracks that span many genres, and I think our EP showcases the many sides of our sound and the headspace that we are in when creating our music.

Khutorsov: The next full length will take what you hear in Urbana and push the boundary in all directions. More gothic, more doom, yet also contemporary.

MER: What do you see as plans for you and the rest of the band after the release of the EP?

Pinsker: Fellahin Fall will be planning weekend dates in the beginning of the new year, and we will be planning to bring our live show away from the East Coast in mid to late 2024.

MER: Is there anyone that you hope to tour with and why?

Pinsker: We would love to hit the road with our friends in Fires in the Distance again. They dropped an amazing melo death doom album this year, it’s been on repeat on our car drive playlists. Solemn Vision from NYC is another band we would love to hit the road with. We’ve been playing shows together since before Fellahin Fall existed, and we go back around a decade.

MER: What have been some of your favorite releases of 2023?

Pinsker: Humanity’s Last Breath- Ashen, Cattle Decapitation- Terrasite, Earl Sweatshirt & Alchemist – Voir Dire, Hypno5e- Sheol, Mike- Burning Desires

MER: Is there anywhere you hope to play live that you haven’t yet and why?

Pinsker: Our old band had a fun time in Chicago and Raleigh, and we would love to hit those cities with Fellahin Fall. Canada is on our bucket list for next year.

MER: How would you describe the music scene in Brooklyn?

Pinsker: The scene is tight, a lot of the local bands support each other, and you have a handful of bands that kind of unify the scene. We also have a pretty diverse scene which is refreshing.

MER: How would you describe your sound to anyone that’s unfamiliar with your band?

Pinsker: Not my description but our friend Matt Bacon at Two Guys Metal Reviews called us “doom metal with 808s” and I think that’s the best description of our sound.

MER: What are your hopes for the band’s future?

Pinsker: Obviously we hope our music reaches the ears of metal fans globally, but I really hope that we do a great job proving metal doesn’t have to be formulaic or confined to a box, and that bands can take chances with their sound.


  • Matt Zaniboni

    Matthew is an interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He started his passion for music journalism back in his college radio days serving as the Heavy Metal Director at WKKL out of Hyannis Massachusetts. During Matt’s tenure in radio, he has had time working for commercial stations in Boston Massachusetts such as WAAF, WZLX AND 98.5 The Sports Hub before landing with Metal Express Radio. Anytime you want to talk heavy Metal, hockey, Guiness, and dad life, Matt is your guy m/

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