GLASYA – Attarghan

GLASYA - Attarghan
  • 8/10
    GLASYA - Attarghan - 8/10


Label: Scarlet Records
Release date: February 19, 2022

User Review
9/10 (1 vote)

A work of ambition

With only their second album, Glasya, a Symphonic Metal band from Portugal certainly does not lack ambition. Their first effort Heaven’s Demise already featured promising elements. Although it was still difficult to set them apart from other bands of the same genre. For those nostalgic about Tarja’s era in Nightwish, Eduarda Soeiro will remind you of this time, with both her strength and imperfections.

But with Attarghan, Glasya put on a great spread to convince you of their worth. This concept album tells the semi-legendary story of  Attarghan, a former general of the Persian Empire who embraced the rebels’ cause against the emperor. A redeemed hero, an exotic setting, a rebellion and an impossible love: what more do you need?

An operatic epic

The rasping voice of the storyteller will guide you through the adventures of Attarghan on his way to fight the evil emperor. “From enemy to Hero” is a classic song of Symphonic Metal, and you can already notice a few issues on the album. The production is not always clear. The balance between the instruments is sometimes amiss: vocals are too loud compared to guitars, drums are lacking substance. So the first impression is not the best. However, it should be a mistake to stop there.

The album is skillfully composed. The chorus from “Way to Victory” is deliciously epic. The little something missing at first is here. This great feeling will perdure throughout the rest of the album. “First Taste of Freedom” and “Journey to Akhbar” are well inspired. Oriental orchestrations and Arabic singing add nuances to the ensemble. The register is definitely epic: battles hymns follow one after the other. Atmospheres are still varied with the numerous narrations and instrumental interludes such as “Queen’s temptation”. The album is long, perhaps a bit too long. But these pauses in the story allow you to enjoy it.

And what would be an epic tale without a doomed love story? The inevitable ballad is yet another display of Eduarda Soeiro’s talent. “We Weren’t Meant to Be” is a fine song preparing the ground for the final confrontation. “Eye to Eye Sword To Sword” has something of a cinematic soundtrack with a riff changing from lively to heavy. A fitting end for the story.

Imperfections making the art

Artists always take a risk with concepts album as there is a need to maintain a certain atmosphere throughout their compositions. The leading thread of the storytelling has to be carefully intertwined in the music as not to appear overly redundant. With this Glasya is successful. The story of Attarghan is compelling and the music is as well. Yet there is a lot going on, chorus, choirs, narrations, overlapping orchestrations: too much of everything! This album is a rough gem, in need of polishing.


  • Séverine Peraldino

    Reviewer, interviewer and apprentice photographer for Metal Express Radio, Séverine comes from a small place in the Southern French Alps, near Grenoble. Her taste for classic Heavy Metal is a family heritage and after growing up listening to Iron Maiden, Dio, Metallica and Angra she expanded her horizons with almost every subgenre of Metal, from Power, to Prog, a little bit of Death and Black Metal. She mostly enjoys albums telling stories with originality. When she is not travelling around for concerts and festivals, you can find her reading a good book, or playing board games with friends.

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