BLIND DIVIDE: “We Learned A Lot From Nimis’ Release That We’re Hoping To Put Into Practice On The Next One”

Blind Divide

Upcoming U.K. Metal outfit Blind Divide have kept themselves busy during the pandemic having recently released their EP titled Nimis. Members of the band took the time to speak with Metal Express Radio about the band’s new EP, how it was writing and recording in lockdown, plans for another EP in the works, the Metal scene in the U.K., and more. Check out the chat below!

Metal Express Radio: The band’s EP Nimis was released January 31st, what kind of feedback have you received from the fans?

James B: The feedback has been amazing, we’ve really enjoyed engaging with old fans throughout this release, as well as finding new people discovering and enjoying our music.

MER: How was it writing and recording the EP during the pandemic

Adam: It wasn’t the easiest, because of lockdown, everyone in the band had to take responsibility for tracking their own parts, one or two of us basically had to learn how to do that from scratch! Considering that it was worked on in bedrooms across South Wales, we’re really happy with the result!

MER: Any song off Nimis you would suggest a fan to check out first?

Adam: Definitely the title track! The track ‘Nimis’ feels to us as if it expressed a new energy and direction for us, it marks a lot of changes within the band and I think that determination to push forward comes through in the track.

MER: Do you feel Nimis will give fans a good idea on what to expect from the bands upcoming full length album?

Dec: Absolutely, I think the EP gives a taste of some of the new things that we’ve been trying. Our first self titled EP was made up of songs that we’d been throwing around for far too long, Nimis EP brings us up to date in terms of where we are as a band and what we want to put across.

MER: For those unfamiliar with the band how would you describe your sound?

James B: The inside joke is that we want to be the poor man’s Lamb Of God, I think if you chucked in some influence from bands like Gojira and The Haunted, you’d be fairly on the mark.

MER: What are your hopes for the band when it’s safe enough to tour?

Adam: We’re literally bursting to get back out there and show people our new material and show off our new Drummer, Max. We’ve got a few dates later in the year, at this point we’re just keeping our fingers crossed!

MER: How is the metal scene over in the U.K?

Adam: The metal scene is alive and well in the U.K, even if live events are currently on hold. There are incredible bands and enthusiastic fans up and down the country; I can’t wait to see it all explode back to life when restrictions are lifted!

MER: Being fairly new what are your hopes for the bands future? 

Dec: We’ve always agreed that it’s all about the experience for us, we want to play cool shows in cool places! In 2019 we had our first taste of playing a big festival when we played Bloodstock Open Air, we’ve got the bug, we’re in it to play awesome shows like that!

MER: if there’s nothing that we haven’t gone over you’d like to throw in go ahead! Thanks for your time and stay safe and healthy! 

James B: We’ve actually started work on another EP which we plan to put out this year, before moving on to working on a full album release, we learned a lot from Nimis’ release that we’re hoping to put into practice on the next one! Thanks for speaking with us, stay safe out there!


  • Matt Zaniboni

    Matthew is an interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He started his passion for music journalism back in his college radio days serving as the Heavy Metal Director at WKKL out of Hyannis Massachusetts. During Matt’s tenure in radio, he has had time working for commercial stations in Boston Massachusetts such as WAAF, WZLX AND 98.5 The Sports Hub before landing with Metal Express Radio. Anytime you want to talk heavy Metal, hockey, Guiness, and dad life, Matt is your guy m/

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