Unfinished Business
When Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo left Philm abruptly in 2016 he proclaimed, “I did not exit Philm, I ended Philm.” Vocalist/guitarist Gerry Nestler kept the band together playing a few live shows after that, but eventually Philm came to a stand still. Nestler went on to release his first solo album in 2018 entitled Mama’s Child. Gerry also reunited his first band Civil Defiance in 2019, but there was something about Philm that felt unfinished to Nestler.
On February 19, 2021 Philm will release their third studio effort Time Burner through Metalville Records. Nestler is backed by longtime bassist Pancho Tomaselli and Grammy Award Winning drummer Anderson Quintero. I had the chance to speak with Gerry Nestler about Philm and other topics. I found Gerry to be an interesting guy. In fact, we ended up talking for close to an hour. Below is an edited version of our interview. If you are interested in the full uncut interview, you can find it at the end of the page.
Highlights Include
Discussion of the new album Time Burner
- Dave Lombardo’s departure
- Legal issues related to getting rights to Philm material
- Has he spoke to Lombardo since the break-up
- His plans for Civil Defiance
- Nestler’s musical influences
Philm is
Gerry Nestler – Vocals, Guitar, Piano
Pancho Tomaselli – Bass
Anderson Quintero – Drums
Very outcast . Great observaion.