How much more Metal could this be? The answer of course, is none, none more Metal. Twin guitars, scything riffs, screaming solos, canon fire drums and the ubiquitous air raid siren vocals all wrapped up in more studded leather wrist bands than you could find in Mrs Miggins Leather Emporium.
Salt Lake City’s Visigoth’s flying visit to the UK had already laid waste to London as they arrived in Newcastle in ferocious form. With their latest album Conquerors Oath putting Visigoth at the very forefront of the resurgence of American Metal they were primed and ready to melt faces.
“Dungeon Master” slammed Visigoth into top gear with Jake Rogers raising his fist to the rafters as he bellowed out the battle Metal anthems duly supported by dual riff meisters Jamison Palmer and Leeland Campana.
“Warrior Queen,” an absolute piledriver of a song, saw the riff count head off the scale while the brand new “Fireseeker” and “Abysswalker” from their latest 7” single pointed the way to an ever-stronger future.
Maiden’s “The Evil That Men Do” was pulled out in tribute to their heroes and Salt Lake City, a heads down boogie Rocker, was cheekily dedicated to the fan in the crowd who actually hated the song.
“Hammerforged” and “The Revenant King” hammered home their Metal credentials as if the last 40 years had never happened, leaving no doubt that Visigoth will slay all who come before them.
Review and Photos By Mick Burgess
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