This week’s Metal Express Radio Guest DJ Hour is hosted by the members of SPACE MONKEY.
Space Monkey is the end result when you throw former members of rival bands into a room together with baseball bats and pool cues, a ham sandwich, plenty of cartoons and horror movies, and a urge to both coddle and murder your inner child. Originally started as a side project for something to do in free time by Marco Quiroz(former King guitarist) along with Luke Brletich(<—the new guy, young blood, take your pick) in 2012, The two of them decided after a good couple years of writing and collaboration that they should try and make something of it so they recruited Tom Packard(Former At No End Guitarist), Nicholas Jarrell(former Order 66 Vox), and Terry Bull( former Three Fold Law bassist) on bass, and now here it is in all it’s glory.
There is no recipe, there is no reason, there is no alley we are not going to walk down. If we like it we are gonna play it. If we want to do a stoner rock tune and then roll it into a fast pace death metal/black metal tune complete with Kazoo chorus, it’s a possibility. We don’t believe in limiting ourselves and labeling ourselves one thing or another. We’re just a bunch of fun loving jack asses here to write music and have a good time and not take it too damn seriously. We’d love to tell you what you can expect from us but the truth is we don’t even know what’s gonna happen half the time. Watch out for flung poo
Marco Quiroz (guitars)
Luke Brletich (drums)
Tom Packard (guitars)
Nicholas Jarrell (vox)
Terry Bull (bass)
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
Genre: Metal/ Stoner Rock/ Instrumental
Learn more about the band:
Tune in at 15:00 and 21:00 CET/ 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. EST this Friday to hear the show!
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