Blastfest 2016 A One Time Only Celebration Of The Norwegian Metal Scene

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You heard it! Blastfest 2016 will be celebrating its national metal scene and will boast a lineup that will be 100% Norwegian. Has that even been done before?

It’s hard to imagine how when the first ever Blastfest took place in Bergen in 2014 organisers were going to beat the lineup that had been assembled. But, 2015 smashed its predecessor out of the park with bands such as Watain, Satyricon, At The Gates, Primordial, Decapitated, Melechesh, Craft, Demilich and more taking to the stage in what will undoubtedly go down as a major highlight in this year’s festival calendar.

Just hours after the final note rang out across the venue at Blastfest 2015 organisers were brainstorming ideas for the third edition of the festival and here we are, a brand new concept – A One Time Only Celebration Of The Norwegian Metal Scene!

The first round of bands has also been announced including Green Carnation, Ihsahn, Ancient and the very first headliner, Gorgoroth. Read on…

Red Harvest

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An always supremely crushing live band and a true Norwegian phenomenon is back! Six years ago they called it quits, after filling the world with industrial angst for over two decades. Blastfest welcome you to dive into a greater darkness, to handle the cold dark matter that is none other than extreme industrial metal band Red Harvest. This reunion is going to be a fucking hammer-blow to the solar plexus!

Green Carnation

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Dissolved in 2007 and sporting members that have been a part of class acts such as Emperor, Satyricon, Carpathian Forest, Blood Red Throne, Tristania, Sirenia, etc. This band has finally reunited!!! The usual selling points are completely unnecessary, so we’ll just skip them altogether this time. Why? Because Green Carnation have not only reunited to appear at Blastfest 2016, but they have also agreed to play their masterpiece Light Of Day, Day Of Darkness in its entirety! ‘Nuff said!


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A major figure in the Norwegian black metal scene as a founding member of Emperor, Ihsahn has since become the front man of his very own band. Still the primus motor, and in charge of orchestral manoeuvres, his eponymously dubbed solo project sees him channel the sophisticated dark arts through a more progressive expression. In a fitting move, he also uses the members of progressive metal band Leprous as his live backing band. Five critically acclaimed albums have been released by the multi instrumentalist and light bringer. All of which make us really look forward to finally having Ihsahn grace Blastfest! – Thus spake Blastfest.


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It’s been eleven years since they released their last album, but 2015 will see them bring their long awaited Back To The Land Of The Dead to life – and in 2016 they will come back to the land of Blastfest. If that isn’t enough, 2016 marks the 20th anniversary of their album The Cainian Chronicle. So brace yourselves for ‘Lilith’s Embrace’ in a live setting, because the renowned and reviled Ancient are finally returning to their roots in Bergen, Norway. This time around they are also bringing the infamous Nick Barker (Cradle Of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Lock Up, etc, etc) behind the drumkit.

In The Woods

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If you’re In The Woods and in the woods, and there’s no one else around and a tree falls, would anyone hear the tree fall? Well, the answer is probably 42, so let’s just get on with it: the point is that Blastfest has gotten hold of a band oozing psychedelia throughout all eras of their career: In The Woods. The band has stood out by progressing immensely through their active years. They started out in the black metal vein with Isle Of Men, presented extreme metal extraordinaire with Heart Of Ages, and before calling it a day released Three Times Seven On A Pilgrimage where the band even included their own takes on King Crimson, Pink Floyd, and Jefferson Airplane. 2016 sees In The Woods back on stage, and better than ever, at Blastfest!


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Feeling empty, feeling full of despair, feeling sad and gloomy? No worries, Blastfest will patch you up paradoxically with the flagship of Norwegian doom metal, Funeral. Pioneers of the funeral doom genre, the creators of such masterpieces as Tragedies and From These Wounds, and probably the only band to lyrically address the neurological condition tardive dyskinesia (involuntary, repetitive body movements). Funeral will definitely bring you a solid dose of tristesse. “La tristesse durera toujours.” Pft! Blastfest 2016 cures everything, Vincent!


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Varden tennes, Kari Bremnes! Blastfest hereby welcome Khold to the 2016 lineup. Since their formation in 2000 they have been devoted to parsimony in their musical expression, and are almost the equivalent of Occam’s razor as applied to black metal; groove and the good riff is in the main agenda here, not a bunch of gothic dresses and cheap synths. Their lyrics are also noteworthy, mainly written in their native Norwegian tongue, and written by the band’s “fifth member”, Hildr, wife of vocalist and guitarist Gard. Recently the band released their sixth album, Til Endes, and we are really looking forward to hear that material in a live setting here in Bergen. Blastfest: der kulden rår!

Blood Tsunami

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Thrash ‘till death! What would a proper Blastfest be without a thrash alibi? Well, to make sure the universe stays in order, Blastfest hereby pull Blood Tsunami out of festival booker Yngve’s circus hat! Fronted by former MTV VJ and lifetime thrasher Pete Evil, and with none other than Faust of Emperor fame behind the drumkit, these guys will give all the other bands a run for their money. Expect thrash metal that rips you a new one, nothing less!


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Time to go viral! From the ashes of cult 90’s ensemble Ved Buens Ende a phoenix arose, it bore the name of Virus. Over the course of three full-length albums and an EP they have put the avantgarde back in the Norwegian metal scene. Brilliant song writing, good musicianship, and members also currently associated with acts such as Beyond Dawn, Aura Noir, Lamented Souls and Audiopain … Well, this is surely one of the names to follow in the current Norwegian scene, and Blastfest are proud to welcome them to the 2016 lineup.


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Be All, End All is what they named their most recent album, and Manes is certainly a band that encompasses all, and then some. From their first formative steps as a pure black metal outfit, they have since evolved into what must be deemed an eclectic mixture of multiple genres, never compromising, never conforming, never obeying, and most importantly, a part of the Blastfest 2016 fold. Whatever they have in store for us this time it surely can’t be missed. This is artistry!


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It’s on high time that we present one of the true legends of the Bergen black metal scene. Hence we give you Satan’s propaganda ministerium on earth, Gorgoroth. The notorious collective lead by Infernus have so far released nine albums, with a tenth scheduled for release this coming June, Instinctus Bestialis. It’s already been six years since the band were on stage in Bergen, so they will be catering to a hungry local audience. Blastfest welcome you all, also those who are traveling from afar, bring your hammer and join together under the sign of hell at Blastfest 2016!


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Do you remember when Norway, and especially the area of Rogaland, completely dominated the gothic metal scene in the late 90’s? Well, Blastfest figured this lineup needed some velvet, blood and tears, and large New Rock boots… Or, things have changed since then, or at least the shoe fashion. However, Tristania still delivers powerful melodic metal, now more than ever.

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A One Time Only Celebration Of The Norwegian Metal Scene!
Blastfest 2016 – Bergen, Norway
17 Feb – Garage, 18 – 20 Feb – USF Verftet

Blood Tsunami
Green Carnation
In The Woods
Red Harvest
Plus More TBA


  • Kristian Singh-Nergård

    Kristian is one of the partners at Metal Express Radio. He is Metal Express Radio's Marketing and Communications Manager, and on occasions also reviewer and photographer. Based out of Oslo, Norway, Kristian is a bass player and owner of the independent record label Pug-Nose Records. He has been a proud member of the Metal Express Radio crew since 2006.

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