Interview with Tonic Breed

Check out this Norwegian Band as the Metal Express Radio Independent Band of the Week, starting October 24, 2011!

Tonic Breed is a Heavy/Thrash/Groove Metal band from Sarpsborg, Norway, and started playing together as a band in the spring of 2007. Original members include:

Daniel Pettersen (Drums)

Rudi Golimo (Bass)

Patrik Svendsen (Vocals/Rhythm guitar)

Bjørn Myhren (Lead guitar — Anders Bekken played lead guitar for a year in 2010 due to Bjørn serving time in the Norwegian Army)

In 2009, Tonic Breed won a live contest, which included nearly 50 bands. First prize was the chance to make a full CD recording. Taking advantage of this prize, the band recorded their debut album On The Brink Of Destruction, which was released independently in November 2010. It can be downloaded digitally via Spotify, iTunes, etc., and the physical version is available via Tonic Breed also recently signed a deal with “Indie Distribution,” which will make the album available in Norway in November 2011!

Tonic Breed had the following to say to Metal Express Radio …


How did you come up with the band name?


The day after a party our lead guitarist found a note in his pocket only containing the words “Tonic Breed”. We needed a name, so why not!?


What are 3 bands that you feel were most influential to your band, and why?


Metallica, Pantera, and KISS. These bands were our influences from an early age, and still are our continuing sources of inspiration.


What are the 5 best Metal/Hard Rock albums of all times, and why?


Black Sabbath (Black Sabbath) — Kings of darkness.

Led Zeppelin II (Led Zeppelin) — Because this band just deserves to appear on such a list.

80’s Metallica — How could we choose only one? No need to explain why.

Pantera’s last 5 albums – Yeah, right, same problem.

Crack The Skye (Mastodon) – This album makes our drummer jizz his pants!


What is the best concert you’ve ever attended, and why?


Don’t remember, we’ve always been drunk!


What was the most memorable gig your band ever played, and why?


Once in Hallingdal, Norway, Rudi disappeared just before entering the stage. Half an hour later Rudi was found hanging upside down in a tree, NAKED. Turned out some of the bikers had pulled a prank. He got his bermuda shorts back due the fact that he refused to play without them!


What is the craziest thing any member of your band has ever done for the sake of Metal/Hard Rock?


Always getting drunk before concerts for the maximum experience.


If your band was appointed Rulers of the Metal World, what is the first law you’d make?


Get rid of all the money-sucking sharks in the music industry, and allow more new bands to get the chance to reach their goal.


If you could tour with any band, who would that be, and why?


Rammstein, because we would like to challenge their pyrotechnics.


What do you think your fans and the music industry will say about your band in 10 years?


This was the band that brought ’80s Metal into the 21st century.


If you could have any wish fulfilled for the band, what would it be?


To one day be able to go on a World Tour.


  • Dan Skiba

    Dan is a former partner at Metal Express Radio, and also served as a reviewer, photographer and interviewer on occasions. Based out of Indianapolis, USA he was first turned on to Hard Rock music in the mid-1970s when he purchased Deep Purple's Machine Head as his first album. He was immediately enthralled with the powerful guitar sound and pronounced drumbeat, and had to get more! His collection quickly expanded to include as many of Heavy Rock bands of the time that he could get his hands on, such as Ted Nugent, Judas Priest, and Black Sabbath, to name just a few.

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