Interview with Jason Orton (Conflicted)

The soon-to-be legendary vocalist of Conflicted, JASON ORTON recently spent some time with Metal Express Radio. Here’s what he had to say…

Metal Express Radio:

First, congratulations on the incredible new album Never Be Tamed, which is a very cool mix of Power and Progressive Metal. How have things been going for the band since its release in April?


Well, since April 12, the official North American and online release of Never Be Tamed, we’ve received many positive reviews on the disc and played a benefit show with some friends in Brampton Ontario, Canada. Our CD release party on April 16th was a great success. There were many friends there and even more people that we’d never met before.


There is a ton of power and emotion, which is clearly noticeable throughout each track of Never Be Tamed … can you describe the song writing process and what goes into creating these great songs?


As the band’s lyricist and one of the main musical composers, it’s nice to know that a listener can hear the depth and intensity in our work. As far as the songwriting goes, we really have no rules. In most cases the music is written first, then the lyrics, then we (or I) rearrange the music to fit the lyrics & additional melodies. Lyrically, I like to write about inner & outer observations. I am not a fan of political or “Dungeons & Dragons” lyrics … I just can’t relate.


What are a couple of your favorite tracks from the album and why?


Well I guess the politically correct answer is that I love them all the same, and that is pretty much the case. In truth, there are songs that as a listener I enjoy more than others, like “Stay”, “Heat Me Up”, & “Release”. On the other hand, I love performing “The Hand of God”, “Victor(ia)”, and “Alive”. BUT, as both a listener and a performer I’d have to say “Never Be Tamed”, “Fallen”, “I Wish. I Remember”, and, of course, “Torment”.


Your four octave vocal range is without a doubt incredibly impressive. When did you first realize you had this amazing talent and gift, and how did you work to achieve the goal of becoming a Heavy Metal front man?


I remember as an inexperienced singer (in fact I was a bassist) hitting Ian Gillan’s notes in “Child In Time”, and it was easy. Really easy, actually. I would get frustrated with singers in my own early bands and wonder why they couldn’t just hit the note? Singing has always been what’s attracted me to all popular music. So, as a teenager, I began training. My range is natural, and my vocal teacher would laugh and wonder why I would waste my time with Rock music? My control is learned from operatic training and even more live practice. As for being a front man, I just do what’s natural for me. It also doesn’t hurt being influenced by the greats like Freddie Mercury, Geoff Tate, and Ian Gillan!


Tell fans about the relationship with your extraordinary guitarist Mark Owen. How did you guys meet and come to work together so creatively?


Mark Owen is the best guitarist around and has been one of the best ever since I met him. We were introduced by a mutual friend named Ryan Long many years ago. Mark and I have many similar musical interests. Our approach to music, practice, and attentiveness are virtually identical as well. Our mutual favorites to this day remain Yngwie Malmsteen, Deep Purple, Beethoven, and Bach. I’ve known Mark since I began singing. In fact, the first show I ever fronted was with Mark Owen. We performed some Yngwie and Purple’s “Child In Time”… I’ll never forget after the sound check a guy who went to school with Mark approached me and asked “how long have you been singing?” Our drummer replied “What time is it now”? It was a great fit right from the beginning!


The LEGO promotional video for the album is very unique and entertaining. How did that whole concept evolve, and was it something the band put together?


The LEGO is all my wife, Tamara Orton. Not only did she shoot all the stills (8 shots per second), build the set (custom drums, Marshall stacks, guitars & keyboards) and custom lighting, BUT she also ordered LEGO men from LEGO (in Germany) to resemble the band. She did an incredible job. I wish we could physically do some of the stuff that she has us doing! The concept evolved as a “commercial” needed to promote the Never Be Tamed CD. LEGO’s universal and spans all ages. Many people that wouldn’t “get” our music may very well enjoy the LEGO video despite CONFLICTED’s music.


How is the summer touring schedule shaping up for the band… will fans be seeing you guys on the road in 2011?


To be honest, we have nothing to officially report other than we are just about to sign with new management. There are many potential GREAT things in the near future, BUT nothing to “officially” report at this time.


Do you have any final thoughts for the new fans out there?


Thanks to MER for showing such support and interest! It’s great to be recognized and even nicer to share personal thoughts and behind the scenes stories about our work! Stay tuned to our Website for news regarding “Victor(ia)”, which will be available for ROCKBAND XBOX360 very soon!


  • Sean Meloy

    Sean Meloy was a reviewer, interviewer and DJ here at Metal Express Radio, based out of Iowa , USA. By day he is a straight laced, buttoned up, number crunching accountant; armed with his portable calculator. All other times he is a hard rocking Metal head! He spent many hours listening to records and 8-tracks with his father. Classic bands such as Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Kansas, Led Zeppelin, and Eric Clapton just to name a few. His father bought him his first record, Kiss Alive II, at age 6. By the time he reached his teens he was discovering all the Classic Metal of the 1980’s; Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Twisted Sister, etc. He became a huge fan of the Thrash Metal of the time as well; Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, Exodus, and Overkill. During the 1990’s he experimented with the Grunge and Hard Rock. However, by the time the millennium came he found himself going back to his roots and rebuilt the music collection he started in his teens.

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