Interview with Paul Gilbert (Mr. Big)

With Mr Big’s recent release What If…! well underway, Metal Express Radio caught up with guitarist Paul Gilbert as he and the band were about to embark on their Japanese tour.

Metal Express Radio:

Congratulations on the release of What If…! How do you feel people are reacting to it?

Paul Gilbert:

The press has been great, but I really want to get the reaction to the songs live. We had a little taste of that when we did an acoustic show in Japan this January. People already knew the words to the songs and were singing along, so that’s a good sign.


Why is this album called What If…?


“What If…” Mr. Big got back together and made a new album! For a long time, we never thought it was possible. But sometimes all it takes is a thought. That’s how anything new is created. You have to think of it first. And for this album, we were all thinking the same thing.


The past year or so must be a bit like re-writing history for you and the band. Can you tell fans how it came about that you all got back together?


Well, our reunion tour in 2009 went really well, so the obvious next step was to make a record, and it just sort of fell into place. Billy and I had done a couple of projects together. We ended up both jamming with Pat one night, and we all missed Eric, so we got together, talked about it over dinner, and decided to see if we could set up a tour. It worked!


What was the writing process like for What If…? Were any of the songs already written?


The album is mostly new songs and new ideas. We used a couple old riffs that became “American Beauty” and “I Get The Feeling”. Also, “All The Way Up” was a melody that Pat had been working with for a while. But, besides these small chunks, everything else is very new. We really wanted to write together as a band, so that’s what we did. We had a couple of friends come in to help us finish some things, but mostly it’s music from the four of us.


What was the recording process like? The album sounds pretty raw and natural — not too over-produced. Is this a Kevin Shirley trait?


We basically recorded one song every day. We’d pick the song with Kevin, then rehearse it a few times, then Kevin would come in and say, “Now play it in ANGER!” So we’d bring the energy up, do a couple more takes, and then we’d have it. It’s definitely the most “live” that we’ve ever recorded in the studio. It’s quite rare these days to record lead vocals and guitar solos live with the drums and bass, but we did that in almost every song. I really enjoyed it.


The first single, “Undertow”, is amazing and powerful, but all of the songs are unique and make their own mark, so why did you decide to make this the first single release? Do you think this will be the fan favorite?


The groove and the riff of that song grabbed all of us right away. It just gives a good first impression of the record. I’m glad that it has lots of vocal harmonies too. I love the sound of a big rock band with harmonies.


There is a video for both “Undertow” and “All The Way Up” included on the special edition version. Are there any plans for any more videos?


I’m not sure. Right now, we’re just busy rehearsing and gearing up for the tour. My entire brain is taken up with that at the moment.


I see that you have extensive touring plans, but I only saw one date listed for the U.S.A. Will that change in time, or are there no plans for touring in the States?


We’d love to tour everywhere. Our managers and promoters are working on that. I hope they can work it out.


What is the set list going to be like?


The best of the new, the best of the old, and some good surprises. You just have to come to the show to find out.


What’s changed the most for the band since the beginning? What do you see in the future for Mr. Big?


It’s still the four of us, so really the band hasn’t changed that much. We just have a lot more experience, and I think … more musical depth. But, we still have the same goal as a band. We still like the same kinds of music that we always have. For the future … well, music is endless. If you’re a musician, you’re never “finished”. There is always more to explore. And I love that!


  • Justine Bevan

    Justin was a reviewer and interviewer here at Metal Express Radio, based in New Jersey, USA. She loves KISS and became a KISS Army member at the age of 6. She started playing drums when she was 13 and taught herself by ear, then later learned how to read music. Her musical tastes expanded even further after she started playing drums and began listening to everything from Metallica to Queensrÿche to 70s based Southern Rock. She is also a big fan of what are known as "hair bands", or Melodic Rock/Melodic Metal. She was a music major in college (the first time around). Justin wrote for several publications in the 80s and 90s, including Hit Parader and Faces.

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