Pitch Black Records
Release date: February 3, 2009
User Review
( votes)Cyprus isn’t first and foremost known for its Heavy Metal exports, and countrymen Prodigal Earth draws inspiration from England, Germany and America, on it’s Zenith II Zero, debut. The band’s Epic Metal is rich on melodic flavor and keeps more than one ear drawn near to the likes of Steel Prophet, Accept, Jag Panzer and, above all; the mighty Iron Maiden. Guitars are likewise also very much up front in the mix, and while they are crunchy in their delightful old-school vibe enhancing the melodic details, the rhythm section lacks punch because of it.
At times, such as in “Once Upon A Crime” slight Progressive leanings can also be traced, and touches of Helloween’s classic “How Many Tears” are reminiscent in the guitar loops that carry “Crossroads”. The ballad side of the band however, such as part of “Will To Live”, are more like earlier Stormwitch in its medieval approach. Unfortunately however, later-day Stormwitch, a’la Shogun-era, is also reminiscent in “The End (Ashes of Desire)”.
Prodigal Earth’s quieter leanings dominate most of the later tracks on the CD, which constitutes an odd dynamic after the strong take on Traditional Metal that kicks off the work, and the overall effect ends up not as powerful as the band drifts and loses focus as the album proceeds.
There’s certainly moments of impressive Traditional Metal present on Zenith II Zero. If Prodigal Earth focuses on its galloping side, keep focus where the often clever arrangements are concerned, and likewise makes sure the mix is more evenly spread next time around, fans could expect a sophomore release that showcases a band nearer to fulfilling its true potential.
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