THE VENGEFUL FEW – The Vengeful Few

THE VENGEFUL FEW - The Vengeful Few
  • 8.5/10
    THE VENGEFUL FEW - The Vengeful Few - 8.5/10


Release date: March 14, 2008

User Review
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There are numerous world-renowned and famous Metal acts out there from around the world. How many famous bands account for those hailing from New Jersey (United States)? To be truthful and brazenly honest, one could count them all on one hand — maybe two in case one or two bands slipped through the cracks during this monumental and significant task. Curious? Well here’s the list: Skid Row, Zakk Wylde (Black Label Society & Ozzy), Symphony X, Glenn Danzig (Misfits, Danzig), and Overkill. Good thing this wasn’t on an exam because 40% would have been the best score in this case.

Getting back to the main objective — reviewing the latest release by The Vengeful Few — this fairly new band (formed in 2004) hails from Morristown, New Jersey, which is a good thing for NJ since the five members are all excellent musicians and can really bring it. These guys were tired of modern music that passed for Metal and wanted to create music that had actual guitar solos, great guitar riffs, and real Metal vocals, according to its band members.

As unbelievable as this might sound, this new release titled The Vengeful Few is bit of a masterpiece and can hold its own with most Metal music out there today. The band incorporates excellent musicianship and play along with great sounding vocals, perfect for the genre, and mixes in their own sound to produce something new and refreshing for a change, and frighteningly good at the same time. There are many … yes many guitar riffs and solos (from one guitarist and sometimes from both guitarists) that leave you begging for more — these solos are really good — you’ll see! You also have an ever-impressive rhythm section holding things together and leading the way. The bass work is impeccable, leaving nothing to chance. Jim isn’t afraid to go past the 5th or 7th fret as can be witnessed in his playing. There are no voids here. The drumming is exceptional as well with the most complimentary cymbal work that one can imagine. The vocals are just right for Metal and Keith doesn’t hold back one bit with his above average range.

Not bad for a band of five guys from New Jersey. Its members are as follows: Keith Vitali (vocals), Tom Catuosco (guitar), John Zambri (guitar), Gary Rinaldi (drums), and Jim Gowe (bass). These guys all have talent, but when they combine their skills and energies, something is created that can’t be overlooked. The Vengeful Few shows their creative thinking and writing process. The love for music and their strong effort on this production is clearly evident in the final product.

“Madhouse” is the opener, and what a killer track. From this early point into the CD, you are aware of the fact that this is not your typical Metal CD. The bass and drums are truly phenomenal all the way from beginning to end. The guitar work by both Tom and John aren’t too overpowering, but unleash at the 4:00 minute mark with some very impressive riffs and then solo work. This is definitely one of the highlights. “Circle Of Seven” picks up where “Madhouse” left off with some intense guitar work right from the start. The bass playing on this track is a real treat. Jim is up and down the fretboard without a worry in the world. After all, he does know how to play this instrument. This tune also has many changes in it and is hard to follow at first. “New Granada” opens with piano added to the mix. It adds another dimension to the music and does it with a nice touch. Keith’s vocals are on the money in this one — a perfect fit. The song goes into another dimension once the piano stops and the guitars kick it into high gear. Lots of soloing done on this one. A real good track. “Get Us Out” has a Judas Priest touch to it once the vocals kick in, even if it is ever so slight. Keith even has a hint of Halford in him during this track. “The Breakdown” is a slightly darker tune and somewhat different in sound than the other tracks that came before this one. “Marie” isn’t a love ballad by any means. More times than not when you see a one word title, especially that of a woman’s name, it turns out to be a love song. Not in this case. There are more great sounding solos to look forward to in this one. “Face Reality” is another piano tune, but the song has a very different sound and approach to it compared to the other tracks on the CD. It might have been better to leave this song off the album and replace it with something more heavy. It takes away from the overall feel and concept of this being a Metal album. The closer is “One Twenty Three” and comes out with a roar. This track is full of energy and is pretty heavy in its own right.

The band is currently unsigned and looking for a record label to pick them up. With the amount of talent that this band has and the music that they are capable of producing, it shouldn’t be long before someone snatches them up. Metal lovers will love this album because of their new sound and their great music.



  • George Fustos

    George was a reviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He has engineering degrees in Chemical and Electrical Engineering. He favors Metal, Rock, Hard Rock, Classic Rock, Blues, and even some Jazz and Motown (depending on the tune). He used to dabble with the bass quite some time ago. His most influential bassists are Jaco, Billy Sheehan, Stu Hamm, Geddy Lee, and John Entwistle (RIP Ox). Band-wise he's really into Rush, Tool, early Metallica, Pink Floyd (including Waters and Gilmour as solo artists), The Who, Iced Earth, Iron Maiden, Halford, Joe Satriani, certain Judas Priest, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Albert Collins (Blues guitarist), Motörhead, and a German band called Skew Siskin that Lemmy says in an interview as being "the best band out there today."

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