STEVE CONE – In My Bones

STEVE CONE - In My Bones
  • 7/10
    STEVE CONE - In My Bones - 7/10


Dilligaf Entertainment
Release date: October 16, 2007

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

It should not come as a surprise that Arizona resident guitarist/singer/composer/self-producer Steve Cone likes to keep busy. Yet, one cannot help raising an eyebrow when In My Bones arrives on these shores a mere seven months after it’s predecessor Distortion. Unlike the all “do yourself” exercise that was Distortion, Cone has this time utilized the talents of one Erik Fehrenbach, providing drum duties, which this time around packs more punch, and he also engineers the disc. Other than that, though, it’s all Cone again, cooking up Heavy Metal in his home studio. Cone certainly knows what he wants and he doesn’t seem to need a lot of help to make it happen.

The rocking attitude and Cone’s playing abilities help the matter, but the strength of the songs themselves is where the enjoyment of Cone’s music ultimately lies. Hard-driven, but never bombastic, often clever, but certainly not indulgent, the music of Steve Cone witness of days gone by. Imagine a soundtrack to accompany scenery of dirty rainy streets. Imagine a possible metalized-version of April Wine, complete with imagery of shady, smoky clubs with ripped apart Anvil posters on the sweaty walls.

There you have it; Steve Cone, working up a steam on stage with his street-smart, rocking Metal. Indeed, material such as “Your Eyes” and the stomping Metal of “Killing Machine” carry this point across perfectly. “Get Down” is pure sex-cheese, but things get back on the right track with “Nothing That I Can Do,” an utter cool guitar rhythm and a catchy chorus makes it arguably the best track on offer here. “Trapped” is good old instrumental Rock, and “Crazy Like Me” stands toe to toe, yet in contrast to the likes of “Inside Your Head” and “Euphoria.”

Forget for a while music which lacks driving riffs and features whiny-ass vocals that are presented as Rock today, or whatever lame stupidity chart poo your inconsiderate co-workers may insist on punishing your ears with during long days, accompanied by mainstream radio. In My Bones represents almost a parallel world in 2007 away from mainstream, a world of other priorities and values, and where downloading is still an unknown phenomena.

Slightly heavier than Distortion, In My Bones still feels varied, yet surprisingly coherent at the same time. Steve Cone doesn’t exactly reinvent the wheel, but at least he reminds the listener how to Rock.


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