Interview with Marys Creek

MARYSCREEK - Some Kind Of Hate

Swedish Melodic Rockers MarysCreek released their debut record Some Kind Of Hate on the 21st of March 2007 via MTM-Music. The band has toured with bands like Uriah Heep and From Behind. MarysCreek have gotten a big reputation as a live act through the past few years. They have big plans for their career and this is definitely not the last word written in the MarysCreek history.

METAL EXPRESS RADIO: First of all, congratulations on an awesome record, Some Kind Of Hate.

MarysCreek: Hi! Robban here, thanks for the kind words about our album

MER: MarysCreek released the debut album a few months ago and has received many great reviews. What are the plans for the upcoming time?

MarysCreek: Well, the release of the album was too late for playing at the summer festivals this year, so we will not tour until later this year … we decided to write songs for the next album during the summer. We think that after being out on tour we will need some rest, and if we already have the songs for the next album, we won’t have to rush into the studio.

MER: Where did the album title Some Kind Of Hate come from?

MarysCreek: Well, it is from the song, of course, and it’s nothing more than that. We thought it was cooler than the She “L.”

MER: The songs on Some Kind Of Hate are quite strong Melodic Rock tunes and your music is, of course, the first thing to hit the listener. Music itself will in some occasions be remembered, but the lyrics can often be forgotten. What are the lyrics from this record all about?

MarysCreek: Well, this question is for Mats, he has written almost all of the songs, but I think he would say something like, “the songs are about things we see in the daily life, just things that are happening to our self, or to people we know, or just something we saw on TV.

MER: Are there any songs you look upon as stand-out tracks? Do you have any favorites?

MarysCreek: I think that “A Little Bit Of Everything” is a song that always will be a favorite to us. It was the first song written for the album, but we really like all the songs on the album.

MER: Some Kind Of Hate has a great overall sound. How was it like to work with a well-known producer like Fredrik Nordstrom?

MarysCreek: Well, what can you say? Fredrik is a great guy, he has a shitload of experience and a great feeling for music. Above that, he has a great “know how” to put in that little extra, you know what I mean. We really hope that we can work with both Fredrik and Patric again with our next album.

MER: The artwork for the record was kind of special, featuring a chained chair in a red colored room. What are you trying to express with this one?

MarysCreek: Haha, it was something I found on the internet. The art is from Oliver Benett, the painting is named “Kidnapped,” — it is supposed to show love and hate. You kidnapped someone out of hate and release that one out of love, and that is taken from the song Some Kind Of Hate, and it is a real thin line between love and hate sometimes.

MER: MarysCreek is signed with MTM – Music, which is a quite big Melodic Rock label. How did they discover your music?

MarysCreek: We sent them one demo and they didn’t show that much attention. After that, we were offering several proposals from minor labels, so Stefan called MTM one day and said, “Hey! You got one more chance before we sign another deal.” Later, I think it was the same day, they called us and asked for one week to decide. Well you know the rest of the story.

MER: MarysCreek are recording a live video from the tour called Live Tapes With MarysCreek. Will it include extra material like interviews, music video’s etc.?

MarysCreek: Haha, well we decided to start to tape things that are happening to us and share it with our fans, so the purpose is to put it on our Web site and MySpace site.

MER: Will you ever release it as a DVD?

MarysCreek: Maybe when we have enough material we will try to do an DVD of it, but that’s not the plan right know.

MER: Since the release of Some Kind Of Hate, MarysCreek has played some shows in Sweden. How has the response from the crowd been when you play live?

MarysCreek: Well, first of all, I will say that MarysCreek will always see ourselves as a live band and we will always do our best to be a great live act. The response has been great. We are getting new fans every time, so we are really looking forward to the tour later this year and hopefully we will do a couple of shows in Norway also.

MER: Will fans be able to hear more from MarysCreek in the future?

MarysCreek: Of course, we have just started!

MER: Metal Express Radio wishes you all the best on your way

MarysCreek: Thank you very much and thank you for taking the time to do the interview with us … hope to see you soon in Norway.


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