SNAKERYDER – Back For The Kill

SNAKERYDER - Back For The Kill
  • 9/10
    SNAKERYDER - Back For The Kill - 9/10


Z Records
Release date: November 30, 2006

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

It’s been almost three years since New Jersey’s Snakeryder released their original debut release D.O.A., which was later re-released in September 2004 on the band’s current label, Z Records. Their debut was well received as they were compared to Y&T and they were applauded for their 80’s style of Hard Rock music. Snakeryder appear to have no qualms about being categorized as 80’s Hard Rock as it’s in their bio and mentioned on their web sites. Rightfully so, they perform the genre quite well and any, even remotely, fans of their debut release will fall head over heals for their sophomore album, Back For The Kill.

Normally, Snakeryder is a four piece band but for some reason AJ Fedz performed all the vocals, played all instruments and did the production, mixing and recording on Back For The Kill. Fedz also shares some of the song writing credit, yet anyone who is credited with co-ownership appears not to be any of the other current standing band members. AJ tells Metal Express Radio (MER) that it’s a long story and all will be revealed in a forthcoming interview with MER. Bottom line, this is more of an AJ Fedz solo album versus a full fledged “Snakeryder” release, perhaps in this case it worked out all for the best as Back For The Kill rocks harder than the debut!

This release is full of ten great tracks and it really won’t be hard to make comparisons to Y&T but when Hard Rock is done this well should anyone really care? In most cases Snakeryder rocks harder in some areas than even the heaviest Y&T (e.g. “Black Tiger”).

The release starts off with the strong “Wake Up The Nation” which starts out with buzz saw guitars and a heavy drum backbeat and Meniketti-like vocals. Even stronger are tracks like easy favorites “Hard Life” with it’s buzz saw guitars and simplistic, but heavy, rhythm line and of course “Breakout”, “Back For The Kill” and “Can’t Stop The Insanity”. “Can’t Stop The Insanity” rides on some impressive mid-tempo drum lines with a mean stomp that could be mistaken, by some, for original drummer Dino Castano. How can any 80’s junkie pass up lyrics like “Well you hit the scene, at seventeen. You’ve got a noose around your neck. You were a waste before, but now you’re clean. A pornographic wreck.”? Normally, Fedz performs vocals and guitars so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the lead guitars on this release are equally impressive and fit the music like a glove. Out of the ten tracks contained within there is no out and out “ballad”. “Love Steals” starts precariously as one before the guitars kick-in followed by a damn catchy chorus.

It’s refreshing to see a band openly and proudly support a cause to keep 80’s Hard Rock alive. The next step for Snakeryder is for the full fledge band to support this release on the road and then work on a true “Snakeryder” release with the entire band having a hand, including new drummer John Savage. Hell, if Fedz sounds this good solo perhaps more AJ Fedz solo releases are in order! Nevertheless, this is a great one to end the year on for fans of 80’s Hard Rock. Back For The Kill, along with Smash Alley’s Too Late To Say No, should be the clear cut top two releases of any 2006’s Best 80’s Hard Rock releases list. Any Hard Rock purist should pick this one up and help proclaim… long live 80’s Hard Rock/Hair Metal and damn those who oppose it!


AJ Fedz – All Vocals and Instruments, Production, Mix, Recording


  • Scott Jeslis

    Scott is one of the partners at Metal Express Radio. He handles a lot of Metal Express Radio's public relations, screening of new music and radio scheduling. On occasion, he also does reviews and interviews. He has been a proud member of the Metal Express Radio crew since 2004.

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