Interview with Sonic Syndicate (Robin Sjunnesson)

Sonic Syndicate

Robin Sjunnesson is the youngest member (16yrs old) of the Swedish band Sonic Syndicate who found some spare time to answer to the MER questions about their debut album Eden Fire and other things you might find interesting.

Metal Express Radio:
You are a new band so please give us in brief Sonic Syndicate’s story.

Robin Sjunnesson:
Sonic Syndicate is just another Sellout-Hairstyled-Metal band among others, but the thing that makes Sonic Syndicate different, is because we are the best band among the posers. No one really cares about any story how a band came up (at least I don’t really). So I just say; some fucked up kids ended up in the same rehearsal room and started to play music. And it turned out pretty well, don’t you think?

I’ve noticed that you’ve booked some gig dates in Sweden, Are there any plans for going outside your homeland?

Robin Sjunnesson:
For now, there are only Swedish and Danish gigs booked, but we have some plans to take us and the crew over to other nations this coming year. I hope it will work well. America would be cool!

Why did you rename the band from Fallen Angels to Sonic Syndicate?

Robin Sjunnesson:
Haha hey man, listen to it. “Fallen Angels”? What the f**k, man. I think back now, and I don’t have a f*****g clue how we could name our band that silly, you know. The name doesn’t say anything about the band. Sonic Syndicate fits very well on us. It sounds like a video game or something, and our music is kinda video-gamish.

How did you come up with this name?

Robin Sjunnesson:
It was Richard (vocals) who was the brain behind it. When we were younger, we always played “Sonic the Hedgehog” and “Syndicate Wars” on Sega and Nintendo. And maybe he got a flashback and realized that Sonic and Syndicate sounds cool together or something like that.

Why did you have three different segments in the album?

Robin Sjunnesson:
The first three songs are new ones. The other songs are re-arranged from the demos, so it was kinda clear to us, that we should split up the songs in each chapter. The music isn’t quite the same on all tracks. The first three songs are kinda Metalcore/American stuff and alot of clean vocals. The next four are like melodic (I promised myself not to mention this genre) death metal. And the last three ones are kinda melancholy metal. It’s like a metal mix album, haha.

What are the lyrics about?

Robin Sjunnesson:
Blood, Murder & Satan!! Haha, no they are all about love, hate and melancholy stuff, you know, lyrics that girls will cry their eyes out too, haha! I can’t say too much about the lyrics, since the area is Richards area.

Did you face any difficulties when youíre recording the new album? How long did the recording/mixing last?

Robin Sjunnesson:
It was Blood, Sweat and Tears in the studio. We really worked hard for the album, and sometimes I just wanted to f**k it all and get drunk, just forget about everything. I’m glad it didn’t turned out that way, because the album is kinda cool anyway, haha. I don’t know how long it took, 1½ month or something like that. But we ended up spreading it out around 6 months because of other bands we shared the studio with.

You come from a country that has a tradition in Melodic Death Metal, are you afraid of possible comparisons to bands like In Flames or Dark Tranquility?

Robin Sjunnesson:
No, not at all, because everyone in the band really likes and respects In Flames and Dark Tranquillity. But I don’t want to be compared to those two bands, but I know that we have a mix of that sound and music. I don’t want people to take us just as another Swedish-wannabe-InFlames-band, because we have a mix of many diffrent genres, But I face the fact that we sound a little bit like them.

How difficult is for a fresh band to gain publicity in a metal scene (Melodic Death Metal) that is packed with a great number of new bands?

Robin Sjunnesson:
It’s difficult, as I said; many people take us just as another Swedish-wannabe-InFlames-band, but that’s fine with me. A lot of In Flames fans also digs us, so that’s okay, haha. Next album will not be as much In Flames that this album is. And that’s good s**t.

What are the major influences in Sonic Syndicate’s sound?

Robin Sjunnesson:
Our major influences are: In Flames. Mnemic, As I lay Dying, Killswitch Engage. But also bands like Funeral For a Friend and Story of the Year are big influences. We mix genres a lot, and that’s kinda good because it turns out pretty cool.

The band consists of the three Sjunnessons and three more musicians. How did you all come together?

Robin Sjunnesson:
Don’t know, we were too drunk to remember. I think it involved a few French whores and drunken Canadian.

What are your avocations aside from playing music?

Robin Sjunnesson:
My hobbies are Skateboarding, Wake-boarding among other Extreme Sports. I also like Horror movies alot. And IceHockey on the winter. And most of all: Party! Rick, Roger (Guitar) and Chris (drums) works on the same job so they don’t have any life, haha, exept when it’s Saturday night, then they’ll be out partying. And Karin (bass) and Andreas (Keyboard) just sits by their computers.

Have you ever thought of playing music as a regular job?

Robin Sjunnesson:
Yeah, but you don’t earn much money when you play in a metalband, so a Full-Time-Job on music will not be in our brains in the nearest future.

Do you think that there is the danger of being disregarded due to your young age?

Robin Sjunnesson:
Haha no, As long as I’m the rockstar in this band, gets free alcohol and all the girls by my own, I’ll be f*****g happy!

Does the fact that you had some great reviews on Eden Fire puts stress on you for the next album?

Robin Sjunnesson:
No not that much, but when I read the reviews, I think “Oh F**k, we need to make a album that is at least as good as Eden Fire. We have some new songs and they’re f*****g kickin ass, so I don’t think their will be any problem to make another great album!

Did you or will shoot any video clip from Eden Fire? Robin Sjunnesson:
Maybe a Live video or something, But a MTV-Video will not be shot, even though they have asked for one.

What can we expected from Sonic Syndicate in the future?

Robin Sjunnesson:
We’re on the road for now. Writing new material for a upcoming album that will be sweeter than your sister’s a*s!

How do you want the metal fans to remember Sonic Syndicate after 30 years?

Robin Sjunnesson:
Humm… haha haven’t thought about that. Maybe “The Rock band that was too handsome and great that no one saw them as a Metal band.”

These were my questions. Feel free to add anything that I forgot to ask.

Robin Sjunnesson:
Sonic Syndicate Debut Album Eden Fire is out. Buy It, Steal it, or Download it. Aahh maybe you should buy it, so we can put gas in our van…

Thank you and I wish you the best in Metal!

Robin Sjunnesson:
You’re welcome, thanks for the interview.


  • Dr. Dimitris Kontogeorgakos

    Dimitris was a reviewer and interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He has a diploma in Physics, a Masters in Medical Physics and a doctorate dimploma in Nuclear Medicine (this is the reason for his Dr. title). He was given his first Heavy Metal tape at the age of 12 which was a compilation entitled Scandinavian Metal Attack. The music immediately drew his attention and there he was listening to the first Iron Maiden album, trying to memorize the names of the band members. That was it! After some years, he stopped recording tapes and started buying vinyl records, spending every penny in the local record shop. The first live concert he attended was Rage co-headlining with Running Wild.

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