Interview with Listeria (Luciano Toscani-Ciano)


Listeria is a Heavy Metal band from Italy which just released Full of Fire. The sound of Listeria travels back in the 80s when the British Heavy Metal movement was making the first steps. Luciano Toscani (Ciano) the main composer and lead guitarist.

Metal Express Radio:
Why did you named the band Listeria which is a pathogenic bacterium?

Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
We have read this name on a biology book in the ‘90 and when we learned the causes of this dangerous bacterium we thought: yeah!that’s it! A perfect rock’n’roll name, like our music! A simple but rough and wild name!

Give us in brief the band’s history.

Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
The origins of the band went back to the beginning of the nineties. After the first experiences as cover band in ’95 we recorded the first demo LISTERIA and we were chosen as special guest of the German bands IRON SAVIOR and EDGUY. In 1997-98 we recorded the second demo Something Mind and many metal rock compilations. Our bass player left the band in 2001 for personal reasons and a new bass player was found in the same year: Hanjo. After many years, concerts and music festivals in the north and south of Italy, the band recorded Again in 2003, a self-produced cd. Various tour dates are in our calendar and the band has now the chance to play together with worldwide known bands like Ten Years After – MSG (Michael Schenker Group), Dokken etc. Now we have the new killer album Full Of Fire in stores distributed worldwide by Lion Music and we are very proud to work with a real professional staff.

In your biography you describe Listeria’s music as “shock heavy style”. Can explain this term?

Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
Eh eh eh, well this is only a phrase from our fans and we have decided to use “The shock heavy” for them! We are LISTERIA and nothing else!

Can you pinpoint the band’s major influences?

Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
Judas Priest, Accept, Whitesnake, Dokken, Motörhead, Dio, Van Halen, Rainbow, AC/DC, Scorpions, Iron Maiden Ozzy, Thin Lizzy, Deep Purple and many many more!

You have participated in and won many competitions. This was a stepping stone to publicity?

Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
Yes, of course!! We have won many competitions and the name of LISTERIA has run the hill!

Who were the main composers in “Full of Fire”? Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
I’m the main composer but I have a great band that help me and sometimes “push” my mind over!

What are the lyrics about? Who wrote them? Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
Well!! Witto (Vittorio Scotti) and Hanjo(Angelo Di Gennaro) wrote the lyrics and all the songs represent different moments of our life! I wrote only the melodies! Then the idea is to create the right emotion and mood for the tracks!

Are the lyrics important for you?

Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
Yes, sure!!I think that great lyrics and melodies are the secret of great songs!

Is there something you’d like to change in Full of Fire?

Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
Eh eh.. I’ve listened Full of Fire after having played it and there is always something that you could have done better or differently, but I look only in the future!!

Are all the songs new or some of them are taken from Listeria’s previous works?

Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
Songs like Ali, Emily and Wolf Over 3D are new songs but the rest are rearranged songs from 1997 to 2003. The songs into Full of Fire are the history of LISTERIA; the past and the present into the same album.

You’ve done a video clip for “Swimming in the Mud” back in 1999. Will you do another one for the new album?

Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
Sure man!! “Alì” will be the new video clip from Full Of Fire! We are in contact with many producers at this time and in the next months we will start to work at it!

Where do you prefer to be in a studio or upon a stage performing live and why?

Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
Live on stage!! Absolutely!! When I have the guitar in my hands and the light turns on, I’ve fire inside me!! We love the feedback from the fans and all the crazy situations on stage!!

What are your touring plans?

Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
In November will begin in Italy the official “Full of Fire tour 2005” supported from the Eagle booking. As long as the worldwide situation concerns, at this moment we are in contact with different booking agencies for an official management; all I can say is that we plan to hit the world very soon!

You are on stage and the guys in the front lines seem to be disinterested. What do you do?

Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
When the sound is great we are like a hurricane and the guys shake their heads with us! After many years I would like to say thank you for their support and encouragement. We love you all!!

What is the situation in the Italian metal scene?

Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
Not bad!! Italy is full of talented musicians and nowadays the business situation connected to metal market changes a lot and record companies give the bands more money than in the past. This surely helps the scene.

How would you like people to remember Listeria after 30 years?

Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
I’d like people to remember Listeria as great artists. I think a musician is an artist. I think Led Zeppelin were artists. I don’t think there’s anything better than an artist.

Do you think that bands playing classic heavy metal can make a stand against the nu metal trend?

Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
I respect the nu–metal bands but I dislike this kind of music! I’m 33 years old! I was born with the classic Hard rock and Heavy Metal music and today a lot of young guys listen to this kind of music!! Yes we cross all trends!!

What names can we find in your best guitarist list?

Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
Absolutely Eddie Van Halen, J Sykes and Randy Rhoads.

What is Listeria’s the next step?

Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
Play live and loud!

Thanks for your time answering the MER questions. Send a message to all the metal fans!

Luciano Toscani-Ciano:
Well, first of all, thanks to you Dimitris, to all the staff of Metal Express Radio and to the LISTERIA’s listeners for their support and affection; we hope to be there soon!!! See you on stage!!


  • Dr. Dimitris Kontogeorgakos

    Dimitris was a reviewer and interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He has a diploma in Physics, a Masters in Medical Physics and a doctorate dimploma in Nuclear Medicine (this is the reason for his Dr. title). He was given his first Heavy Metal tape at the age of 12 which was a compilation entitled Scandinavian Metal Attack. The music immediately drew his attention and there he was listening to the first Iron Maiden album, trying to memorize the names of the band members. That was it! After some years, he stopped recording tapes and started buying vinyl records, spending every penny in the local record shop. The first live concert he attended was Rage co-headlining with Running Wild.

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