DUSTIN MITCHELL & DAVID HENWOOD (FILTH): “This Was The Most Fun And Relaxed Studio Session We Have Had”

Filth band photo

North Carolina Hip-hop influenced hardcore band Filth are set to release their new album entitled Southern Hostility on April 5th. The band’s singer Dustin Mitchell and drummer David Henwood took the time to talk with Metal Express Radio about the upcoming album, their upcoming North American tour, playing live with a variety of bands, and more. Check out the chat below!

Metal Express Radio: Your band, Filth are set to release a new album entitled Southern Hostility on April 5th, what can you tell fans about the upcoming release?

Mitchell & Henwood: It’s definitely the most diverse album we have written, but stays true to Filth’s core sound. It embodies the influences from our youth, metal, hiphop, and the aggressive side of hardcore.

MER: How was the writing and recording process being your band’s third album?

Mitchell & Henwood: It was a blast to write this album, we went in with the idea of having fun and not trying to just write a heavy album to be heavy. The first 2 albums were very taxing during the writing process, but this was the most fun and relaxed studio session we have had.

MER: You’ve released two songs from the album so far, what kind of feedback have you received?

Mitchell & Henwood: The feedback for “Chin Chec” and “Stay Gutter” have been incredible. Fan reception to the new direction has been extremely positive all around.

MER: You’ll soon be touring North America with A Wake In Providence, what are your expectations on the upcoming tour?

Mitchell & Henwood: We feel like it is going to be one of our best headliner tours to date. The response has been insane, promoters were all excited to take this package, and we know the AWIP fellas are gonna bring the house down with us every night!

MER: What do you see as plans for you and your band after that tour?

Mitchell & Henwood: We do have another tour lined up that hasn’t been announced yet, but it will definitely be a banger. We also plan to start writing a lot more for the next release.

MER: You’ve toured with a variety of bands such as Hatebreed, Terror, and Chelsea Grin to name a few, how has it been to play with a wide range of bands?

Mitchell & Henwood: From a fan perspective it has been amazing to open for bands we grew up listening to. We also feel it has helped with the growth of the band to be put in front of slightly different crowds. We hope we can do a lot more mixed genre tours and expand our music to a much bigger audience.

MER: Has there ever been an audience that was hard for you to win over?

Mitchell & Henwood: In our earlier days as a band we definitely had been placed on a few bills with some bands of a much lighter style of music, and those crowds may have been a little tougher to win over.

MER: Who do you hope to tour with?

Mitchell & Henwood: Emmure, Kublai Khan, Limp Bizkit, Body Count, Hatebreed, The Acacia Strain, the list goes on.

MER: Out of your band’s three album’s, what is one you would suggest to a new fan and why?

Mitchell & Henwood: Southern Hostility for sure, the album has so much to offer, it’s our favorite release to date, and it has something for everybody.

MER: Since forming in 2015, what have been some of your favorite memories playing music?

Mitchell & Henwood: Opening for The Black Dahlia Murder and getting to smoke out Trevor will always be a memory we won’t forget. Being out with Chelsea Grin and performing at Amplified Live in Dallas was an insane show, one of the best nights on that tour. Getting to open for Hatebreed and Terror at one of the best venues in our home state was insane!


  • Matt Zaniboni

    Matthew is an interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He started his passion for music journalism back in his college radio days serving as the Heavy Metal Director at WKKL out of Hyannis Massachusetts. During Matt’s tenure in radio, he has had time working for commercial stations in Boston Massachusetts such as WAAF, WZLX AND 98.5 The Sports Hub before landing with Metal Express Radio. Anytime you want to talk heavy Metal, hockey, Guiness, and dad life, Matt is your guy m/

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