SVEN DE CALUWÉ (ABORTED): “You Don’t Do This Music And All The Things That Come Along With Touring If This Is Not Your Passion”

Aborted band photo

Belgium Death Metal veterans Aborted are set to release their twelfth studio album entitled Vault Of Horrors on March 15th. The band’s vocalist Sven de Caluwé took the time to talk with Metal Express Radio about their upcoming album, signing with Nuclear Blast, their upcoming tours in Europe and North America, the longevity of the band, and more. Check out the chat below!

Metal Express Radio: Your band, Aborted are set to release their twelfth studio album entitled Vault Of Horrors on March 15th, what can you tell fans about the upcoming release?

Caluwé: Well what I can say is that they’re in for a wild ride featuring 10 of the most extreme tracks we have ever released, jam packed with an all star cast of awesome people, insane blast beats, grooves, breakdowns and demonic vocals. This is an anthology horror album, and we hope you will enjoy the ride!

MER: How was the writing and recording process having this being your band’s twelfth album? 

Caluwé: The writing took quite a while since we started writing already right after maniacal. We also had quite a few songs left that didn’t make it to the record so who knows some more things might come out later. The recording process was definitely the longest we’ve ever been in a studio but it was all well worth it. Working with Dave Otero was an absolute pleasure and definitely the best studio experience I ever had. We had so much fun working creatively with him and getting to be what at least in my opinion is the best sounding record we’ve done in our entire career.

MER: You’ve released two singles from Vault Of Horrors, what kind of feedback have you received?

Caluwé: So far everything has been way better than we even hoped for, we’re very thrilled and humbled that the fans are loving the songs so far. Obviously there’s going to be your share of haters that either thing we are too death metal or we are too deathcore or whatever. It doesn’t phase me, if you don’t have people having an extreme opinion then it means things are bland so whatever right?

MER: How was it working with the special guests on the album such as Ben Duerr of Shadow Of Intent, and Alex Erian of Despised Icon?

Caluwé: It was all super easy, everyone featured on the record are friends of ours and are great professionals so things went very smoothly. They all recorded their takes and sent it through so we could all get it done in time. We’ve been wanting to work with Alex for a really really long time so its def been one of the bucket list to get done for sure.

MER: How did it come about signing with Nuclear Blast?

Caluwé: We’ve known Jaap and the staff at Nuclear Blast for well over a decade if not two, so we all knew each other. When our deal at century media was over it was time to enter a new chapter and we were very happy to get a deal worked out with one of the most premiere and awesome labels out there for death metal.

MER: Who are some of your favorite artists on Nuclear Blast’s roster?

Caluwé: There’s many to go around and it can be alumni or not but for sure Behemoth, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Thy Art is Murder, Meshuggah, Decapitated, Despised Icon, Chimaira, Cryptopsy, Suffocation, Dismember, Gorefest, Hatebreed, Nile, so many to be honest.

MER: Coming up, your band will be touring Europe with Carnifex, Revocation, and Vexed, what are your expectations on the upcoming tour?

Caluwé: We’re expecting to have a good time. We’ve known the guys in Carnifex and Revocation for a really long time. Never got the chance to tour with Carnifex and it’s been ages since we got to hang with our good pals in Revocation so we are extremely stoked for that. People are in for a wild night of bands that all touch very different aspects of the extreme music catalog, so bring an open mind and get ready to bang your damn heads!

MER: What do you see as plans for you and your hand after the tour with Carnifex?

Caluwé: We’re going on tour with the fastest band on the planet, Archspire, in North America after this. This summer we will be doing a select few summer festivals and then we will see. The idea is to do another pair of European and North American tours for this record covering the areas we won’t be able to cover this time around. So see you all out there! Next year marks the 30 years of the band so we have some surprises lined up for that too!

MER: You recently played the well known Heavy Metal Cruise 70000 Tons Of Metal, how was that experience for you and the band?

Caluwé: It was our third time there, and it was great as usual. To be honest show wise probably the best for us out of all three. We had one where we presented the new songs live for the first time and that was a blast. People were going absolutely mental and we had the ice rink packed on the first day. The second set was extremely windy and at 3:45 on the pool deck but an awesome experience. People showed up that late and we had a blast looking at circle pits in hot pools hahahah!

MER: Who do you hope to tour with and why?

Caluwé: That’s a tough question. Honestly I think we would love to tour with a band like Knocked Loose cause they are heavy as shit but also cater to a very different crowd than we do, so I think the mix would be interesting to say the least. Cannibal Corpse and Suffocation as well would be great ones to make happen to go out with a killer death metal package and show everyone what death metal is still made of in 2024!

MER: Aborted is a band that formed in 1995, what so you see as the key to the band’s longevity?

Caluwé: Being stubborn lol I think it’s the passion for the music and knowing this is why you’re on this planet. You don’t do this kind of music and all the things that come along with touring if it’s not your passion if you ask me

MER: Out of your band’s twelve albums, what is one you would recommend to a new fan and why?

Caluwé: I would say Vault Of Horrors; As it covers all aspects of the bands sound throughout our entire catalog and also offers something new, plus it has the best production so it would probably be the easiest to get into. If you like your stuff more oldschool then I would say go for Goremageddone or Engineering The Dead.


  • Matt Zaniboni

    Matthew is an interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He started his passion for music journalism back in his college radio days serving as the Heavy Metal Director at WKKL out of Hyannis Massachusetts. During Matt’s tenure in radio, he has had time working for commercial stations in Boston Massachusetts such as WAAF, WZLX AND 98.5 The Sports Hub before landing with Metal Express Radio. Anytime you want to talk heavy Metal, hockey, Guiness, and dad life, Matt is your guy m/

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