JEREMY SPENCER (PSYCHO SYNNER) “We’re A New Band And We Have To Be Smart About How We Get Out There”

Psycho Synner

Psycho Synner is certainly a band that uses their time wisely. The band released nine studio albums in just one day and continues to keep themselves busy. Psycho Synner’s drummer/founder Jeremy Spencer (former Five Finger Death Punch) took the time to talk with Metal Express Radio about the band’s nine albums, the formation of the band, plans for the rest of the year, and more. Check out the chat below!

Metal Express Radio: How did the formation of the band come about? 

Spencer: I was making solo records, but the style was different. It was like New Wave, kinda 80s. I started to miss heavier music, so I thought it was time to put a band together and see what came of it. 9 albums later, we’re off and running.

MER: Do you feel like fans of your other work/bands will also be into Psycho Synner?

Spencer: I think some of the previous fans of my other work will like some of it and some they won’t like. It’s definitely not for everyone. I wasn’t trying to recreate anything from the past. This is a whole new thing.

MER: The band recently released a single entitled “Lady Killer,” what kind of feedback are you getting for it already?

Spencer: It’s the second most added song of the week at radio, so I think the response has been good. A lot of people are saying the chorus is hooky and sticks with them.

MER: Looking back in hindsight to November of 2021, how does it feel having nine albums put out in one day? 

Spencer: It feels pretty cool just to have music out, period. I’m not a huge fan of just putting out a new song every couple months. I miss albums. I think everything should be a part of it. From the packaging to the music. You don’t get that if you just stream songs.

MER: Do you feel like the COVID-19 lockdown helped you prepare all this material? 

Spencer: I think the lockdown was the sole reason we have so much music. There were no shows to play for us. We’re a new band and we have to be smart about how we get out there. I think the right time will present itself and we’ll hit the touring circuit as much as we can.

MER: Do you feel each one of the albums brings something different to the table?

Spencer: Each record is supposed to be different from the last. Some bands can put out the same record over and over, but to me, that’s not stimulating as an artist.

MER: Which album would you recommend someone to start off with? 

Spencer: Unholy Hymns For The Children I think is a good place to start.

MER: Ideally who would you like to take out on tour or see Psycho Synner supporting? 

Spencer: I’d like to tour with Ghost.

MER: What are Psycho Synner plans for the rest of the year?

Spencer: We’re always writing and recording new music. But there will be some rehearsing happening in the event that there’s a show or tour that makes sense to do.


  • Matt Zaniboni

    Matthew is an interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He started his passion for music journalism back in his college radio days serving as the Heavy Metal Director at WKKL out of Hyannis Massachusetts. During Matt’s tenure in radio, he has had time working for commercial stations in Boston Massachusetts such as WAAF, WZLX AND 98.5 The Sports Hub before landing with Metal Express Radio. Anytime you want to talk heavy Metal, hockey, Guiness, and dad life, Matt is your guy m/

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  1. Thanks Matt for interviewing Jeremy. Love this band. Very underrated. I look forward to more and more people as time goes on to see Jeremy and his band mates vision. Very inspiring with great DIY attitude. 9 albums instantly!! Amazing. So much fun to let loose and play guitar too.

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