FRIDA EURENIUS (SPIRAL SKIES): “You Never Know What You Hear When You’ll Listen To The Next Track Of The Album”

Spiral Skies

Stockholm Metal band Spiral Skies are set to release their sophomore album entitled Death is But a Door on March 25th. The band’s singer Frida Eurenius took the time to talk with Metal Express Radio about the band’s upcoming album, the band’s upcoming album release party, opening for Jinx Coven, and more. Check out the chat below!

Metal Express Radio: The band’s new album Death is But a Door is set to be released March 25th via AOP Records, what can you tell fans about the upcoming album?

Eurenius: We have been working with this album ever since we released our debut album Blues for a Dying Planet. Due to the pandemic we had to postpone the recordings twice but finally we made it, last may, in Studio Ryssviken, Stockholm. The tracks are a blend between 70s rock, 80s Heavy Metal, and Folk and Doom Metal. To say a few genres, haha! It reminds a bit of our first album in that way, that it is a huge influential spectra regarding the songs. You never know what you hear when you’ll listen to the next track of the album, but we hope you will enjoy it!

MER: How was the writing and recording process having this being the bands second full length album?

Eurenius: As I mentioned above, we have been writing songs since 2018. ‘Mirror of Illusion’ is actually a song that we wrote 7 years ago. Feels good to finally have it on an album. We write everything together, jammin’ the songs and building the body of them together. Then I usually go home with some recordings from the rehearsal and start to write the vocal melodies and arrangements. The recording process was very smooth since we didn’t do it ourselves this time. This time we hired Emil Drougge as a producer, and a professional studio, where we recorded the album in one week.

MER: What were some of the differences you noticed compared to the band’s first time writing and recording?

Eurenius: Biggest difference is definitely the time spectra of recording. Usually Eric records everything, and masters everything as well, on weekdays. When we released the first album we had a lot more time, we were hanging out in the rehearsal room more often. Nowadays many of us have small children and we work full time with other jobs. So since nowadays we have less time, I have noticed that we are more efficient in our song writing, which I like, since I am a bit restless, haha.

MER: The band has released two singles from Death is But a Door, what kind of feedback have you received?

Eurenius: We have gained a lot of good feedback! The first track ended up on different official Spotify playlists so it raised many plays. We have noticed that a lot of people have found our music thanks to that, due to purchases on our bandcamp. The second single has a more dark tone to it, but is still very catchy. People have written to me about ‘Somewhere in the Dark’, and think that this track is something special. Feels really good!

MER: What do you see as plans for the band after the album’s release?

Eurenius: We have arranged a release party at one of Stockholm’s biggest rock pubs. We will make something special about this release party, and we will have guest musicians as well. Will be a blast, since Sweden has finally opened up and all restrictions are gone!

MER: How is the music scene in Stockholm?

Eurenius: It is okay. Not more. A lot of venues have closed in the last couple of years, which was called in the media “The Death of Music Clubs”, which is such a shame. There are extremely few venues to play in for bands in our range, since we can’t fill the arenas. But there are A LOT of great bands and musicians, who want to play live, and also a lot of people who want to go to see live bands. So i hope the future will be more bright in that matter, and that maybe new clubs will open.

MER: Is there anywhere in particular that you hope for the band to play live that you haven’t yet?

Eurenius: I want to play more festivals, and of course the big ones in Europe would be so fun. We had the chance to play at Sweden rock festival, and for us, as a small band, it is so valuable to showcase our stuff, and that we put out some really energetic, great shows. Our first EP was recorded live, and we are really a solid live act, I would say. So when people finally get the chance to see us, they usually come to us afterwards, with praise. Awesome really, my biggest passion is the live shows.

MER: Who would you want to see the band tour with and why?

Eurenius: If I could dream big it would probably be to tour with Ghost and Blood Ceremony. Would be a great mass! But we are opening for the legendary Coven in Stockholm this fall, and that will be so awesome. Jinx Coven is a living legend.

MER: What are your hopes for the band’s future?

Eurenius: That we can just keep doing what we love to do; write music, play live shows, record albums, and just have fun together, and spread our music even more. We are very good friends within the band, and I always feel very energetic and positive after our rehearsals. We have so much fun together and that is essential. But I hope we can be able to play more live shows, and constantly grow, both as a band, and as individuals.


  • Matt Zaniboni

    Matthew is an interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He started his passion for music journalism back in his college radio days serving as the Heavy Metal Director at WKKL out of Hyannis Massachusetts. During Matt’s tenure in radio, he has had time working for commercial stations in Boston Massachusetts such as WAAF, WZLX AND 98.5 The Sports Hub before landing with Metal Express Radio. Anytime you want to talk heavy Metal, hockey, Guiness, and dad life, Matt is your guy m/

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