HAROLD BARRETT (IMMINENCE): “I Really Do Believe That The New Album Is A Perfect Manifestation Of Where We Were At The Time The Songs Were Being Written, Musically And Personally”


Sweden Metalcore outfit Imminence will be releasing their fourth full length album Heaven in Hiding on November 26th. Imminence’s guitarist Harald Barrett took the time to talk with Metal Express Radio about the new album, touring various parts of Europe, favorite albums of 2021, and more. Check out the chat below!

Metal Express Radio: The band’s fourth album Heaven in Hiding will be released November 26th via Arising Empire, what can you tell fans about the upcoming release?

Barrett: I believe there has never been a release where we’ve felt more at home than with Heaven In Hiding. We started the writing process in the same way as any album cycle – exactly where the previous one ended, ready to basically tear it down to the ground. We’ve always tried to explore new ways in our songwriting and did our best to not get stuck in a certain sound, and I really do believe that the new album is a perfect manifestation of where we were at the time the songs were being written, musically and personally.

MER: How was the writing and recording process having this being the band’s fourth album?

Barrett: The writing process was, as always, a collaboration between Eddie and myself. Everything you hear on the album has been written directly by members of the band, without the help from an external songwriter. The writing process was long and sometimes exhausting, as it should be, but I must say that it has been the most creatively liberating one out of all our albums. Perhaps it’s partly because me and Eddie are working so well together these days, but I believe that we were very comfortable with answering every influence that came up during the process. Thankfully, there were never any ideas of how the new album should turn out, and the new theme sort of appeared itself as we were creating it. During the recording process, we worked with the award winning producer Henrik Udd. We spent a month together in his studio outside of Gothenburg and he really made a tremendous difference in setting the sound on the new production. Henrik really had the right approach on the album, where he wanted to capture the genuineness of every instrument and helped us to create a soundscape that was both organic and surrealistically heavy. Recording the album with Henrik was both joyful and instructive, where we took the time to develop a production that was ours and ours alone. For example, I recorded the whole album with amps, which I haven’t done for years and it was just an incredible experience.

MER: How would you compare this to the band’s other three albums?

Barrett: If you listen through our discography, you’d probably wonder if you’ve been listening to one band or three. We were never afraid to take things to the extreme, so when we found a new direction we really went for it – all in, head first. I guess the most recent one, Turn The Light On, was starting to reveal an identity that’s been luring behind the two previous ones, but mostly showing its face in the lyrical themes and overall message in the music. I really believe that Heaven In Hiding perfectly matches how the music sounds with what the music wants to say, which also reflects in the artwork and production.

MER: The band has released three different singles for the album, do you feel these three songs give fans an idea on what to expect from the full length?

Barrett: Absolutely, I feel that the singles give an idea of what to expect from the album, but I really have to say that Heaven In Hiding is not one of those albums where there were a couple of good singles and that was it. Like the album title and theme of the record, there is so much more we want to show the listener. So much more of ourselves that simply can’t fit into three songs, so with that said, the new singles represent but a fragment of what Heaven In Hiding has to offer.

MER: What do you see as plans for the band after the album release?

Barrett: Due to the pandemic, we’ve been forced to postpone both tours and festivals. We’re touring the album over EU/UK in February/March and are following that up with an acoustic tour, called Live In Concert Halls, that got pushed from 2021 into next year. Apart from this, we’re also touring territories such as Russia and Finland and are preparing for some fantastic festivals (Nova Rock, Deichbrand, Graspop, With Full Force, Rock For People etc.) next summer.

MER: Is there anywhere that you want to tour that you haven’t yet?

Barrett: We’re getting messages basically every day from people that would like us to tour the US. I would absolutely love to go overseas, as we’ve surprisingly never been there before. Apart from that, Japan and South Asia would definitely be a dream of mine.

MER: What have been some of your favorite parts in Europe to play and why?

Barrett: After so many tours, I feel that most European territories we’ve visited several times are treating us very well, which I guess is a product of grinding and touring over years, but I must say that the most memorable and fun tour we ever did was over the Balkans. This was our very first tour back in 2014, and even though the conditions were extremely hard and everything was incredibly DIY, every day was an adventure and offered something new and unexpected. We haven’t been back there ever since, and I’m not sure I’d dare to, since some of my wildest tour memories came from that run.

MER: With 2021 almost over, what have been some of your favorite releases this year?

Barrett: Sob Rock by John Mayer and Local Valley by José Gonzales. Absolutely incredible releases that I listen to almost every day.

MER: For anyone unfamiliar with the band, what is one album you would recommend to a new fan and why?

Barrett: Definitely Heaven In Hiding. In my opinion, it’s the best work we’ve ever done so far and tells the story of who we are better than any of our previous releases.

MER: Thanks for your time and stay safe and healthy!


  • Matt Zaniboni

    Matthew is an interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He started his passion for music journalism back in his college radio days serving as the Heavy Metal Director at WKKL out of Hyannis Massachusetts. During Matt’s tenure in radio, he has had time working for commercial stations in Boston Massachusetts such as WAAF, WZLX AND 98.5 The Sports Hub before landing with Metal Express Radio. Anytime you want to talk heavy Metal, hockey, Guiness, and dad life, Matt is your guy m/

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