TYLER HARPER (CAPRA): “We Hope To Be The Voice Of Those That Are Suffering With Their Every Day Lives”


L.A. Hardcore band Capra are more then ready to take the world by storm and will be releasing their major label debut In Transmission due April 23rd via Metal Blade Records/Blacklight Media. Copra’s guitarist Tyler Harper took the time to talk with Metal Express Radio about the band’s upcoming album, the formation of the band, hope for the band’s future, and more. Check out the chat below!

Metal Express Radio: Your debut album In Transmission is set to be released April 23 via Metal Blade/Blacklight Media, how does it feel to have your first full length album done and ready to go?

Harper: It feels absolutely incredible. We actually finished the album in December of 2019 and planned to release it last summer but the pandemic messed that up completely. We wrote 3 new songs while in quarantine that were then added to the album so it actually worked out better this way. It’s a good time to give our fans an album that is much needed with everything going on in the world. We’re stoked.

MER: How was the writing and recording process with this being Capra’s first major release?

Harper: The writing process is long hours and a ton of work to get our message exactly the way we want to convey it but the recording process is always the fun part for us. We recorded with our good friend Jai Benoit (Golgothan, Father Rust) and he’s a wizard when it comes to our sound. He knows exactly what we’re looking for. As I mentioned earlier we had everything recorded by December of 2019 and then went back into the studio in June of 2020 to add 3 newer tracks to In Transmission. For those 3, we actually went into the studio separately to record our parts and that was a bit of a struggle that we’re not used to but we made it and are extremely proud of how this album turned out.

MER: The band recently released a video for the song “The Locust Preacher”, do you feel like this song gives everyone a good idea on what to expect from the album?

Harper: Absolutely. This song has a bit of everything that you’ll hear on the album but we didn’t give it all away. In Transmission is a rollercoaster through and through. We really dove deep and tried to express ourselves as individuals and as a whole. I think that will shine through each time you listen to it.

MER: Any song in particular you would suggest a fan to check out first off of In Transmission?

Harper: You can jump in anywhere and feel what we’re bringing to the table but “Mutt” is a personal favorite of mine. It’s straight to the point hardcore.

MER: How did the formation of the band come about?

Harper: Jeremy and I (Tyler) started the band in late 2015 after I had just finished up a 90 day stay in rehab. I was freshly sober and needed an outlet. We have been best friends since we were kids and had played in a ton of bands prior to Capra so it was just kind of natural. The lineup was a bit different as I was playing bass and Jeremy was playing guitar. It wasn’t until our first drummer quit that Jeremy moved to drums and I switched over to guitar. After that we went through a few bassists but finally landed on Ben Paramore who shared the same drive, passion, and love for hardcore / punk that we do. In 2018, we parted ways with our previous vocalist and found our rock – Crow Lotus. She came in like a storm and fit perfectly with our sound.

MER: What are some of your major influences to play music?

Harper: For me personally it’s always been Black Sabbath, 80’s Metallica, Botch, Converge, ETID, Comeback Kid, Suicidal Tendencies, but that list could go on for weeks. As a band our collective influences range pretty far and wide. Music has impacted all of us and brought us together to become what you see today.

MER: How were you and the band able to stay in touch and keep busy during the pandemic?

Harper: We are always in contact through group chat and phone calls, but we’ve actually been getting together quite often to rehearse and write new songs for the second album. If we’re not practicing together, we’re practicing by ourselves and trying to keep grinding as much as we can.

MER: What are your hopes for the band when all is safe enough to tour the world?

Harper: We hope to do just that – tour the world. We love to travel and we love to kick faces in with our live set. It’s really taken a toll on all of our mental health to just kick back, post on social media, and basically become and online store selling T-shirts. We need to interact with our fans and this is first and foremost when we’re allowed.

MER: Being brand new what are your hopes for the band’s future?

Harper: We hope to be the voice of those that are suffering with their every day lives. We want nothing more than our fans to relate to our message and know that there are others out there that struggle daily. We also want to share the stage with artists that we’ve looked up to, been inspired by, and also artists that are grinding just as hard as we are.

MER: What are three bands you hope to tour with and why?

Harper: I think my top band currently is Gouge Away. I’ve been so hooked on their music lately and I think we share some similar vibes and values. It’d be really cool to hang out and talk shit with those guys and gal. Aside from them I’ll say it’s a dream to tour with Every Time I Die and Converge.

MER: Being brand new, how would you describe the band’s sound? 

Harper: We’re a blend of hardcore, metal, and punk. The goal is bring back the style of the late 90’s early 2000’s hardcore punk bands with a moder twist. We want the listener to have a nostalgic feeling while it being completely fresh and new.

MER: If there’s something we haven’t covered that you’d like to throw in, go ahead! Thanks for your time and stay safe and healthy!

Harper: You can find us on all social media platforms by searching the handle @capraband, grab some merch from our bandcamp store, and of course our upcoming full length In Transmission will be available everyone on April 23rd on Metal Blade Records and Blacklight Media!


  • Matt Zaniboni

    Matthew is an interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He started his passion for music journalism back in his college radio days serving as the Heavy Metal Director at WKKL out of Hyannis Massachusetts. During Matt’s tenure in radio, he has had time working for commercial stations in Boston Massachusetts such as WAAF, WZLX AND 98.5 The Sports Hub before landing with Metal Express Radio. Anytime you want to talk heavy Metal, hockey, Guiness, and dad life, Matt is your guy m/

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