Tony Cacciutti founded Hidden Danger back in 1980. He started off playing drums at the age of 2, mastering the piano at 5 and guitar at 12. He wrote his first song at 14 and has been writing, recording and playing live ever since. Tony has shared the stage with many greats musicians including drummer “Johnny Dee” from “Britny Fox” and “Doro“, as well as played drums for the Yngwie Malmsteen tribute band Trial By Fire. Tony is the consummate musician having played all the instruments and recorded all the tracks on all his albums so far. His latest album Access Denied is available now.
Tony can be reached at Facebook at facebook.com/HiddenDangerMusic
Tune in at 15:00 and 21:00 CET/ 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. EST this Friday to hear the show!
Here’s a taste off Access Denied of which we’ll play tracks from after Tony presents his very Classic Metal playlist:
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