Interview with Stoneload

They have been described to be the best up and coming Thrash Metal band in Sweden. Successfully blending old school Thrash with a modern touch. Keep reading to find out what makes this band tick…

MER: How did you come up with the band name?

Well, we had a pretty common name before and wanted something more unique so we simply brainstormed before a gig and came up with Stoneload. It sounded heavy so we kept it.

MER: What are 3 bands that you feel were most influential to your band, and why?

Hm, Metallica, Pantera and Sepultura perhaps. I guess you can say that we combine the heavy stuff from Pantera and Sepultura with the melodies from Metallica.

MER: What are the 5 best Metal/Hard Rock albums of all times, and why?

Wow, what an incredibly difficult question! But since we mentioned three bands as our influences, maybe Metallica – Ride the lightning, Pantera – Cowboys from hell and Sepultura – Chaos A.D. could be good candidates! Then maybe Slipknot’s first album could be another candidate. Mainly for its aggressiveness and crazy drums. And finally Stoneload – Addict of course! That goes without saying ;P

MER: What is the best concert you’ve ever attended, and why?

Ah! Enough with the impossible questions! Tobias says seeing the Big 4 was pretty great. Thomas says he saw Pantera in Stockholm on the “Far beyond driven” tour. So maybe one of those gigs.

MER: What was the most memorable gig your band ever played, and why?

That has to be our gig at House of Metal. Since we were pretty unknown then we didn’t have a lot of audience at the beginning of the gig, but they soon turned up and went absolutely crazy! Was a great night for all of us! Or, maybe not for Thomas who was really sick (he almost threw up on stage), but he fought through it and did a great gig!

MER: What is the craziest thing any member of your band has ever done for the sake of Metal/Hard Rock?

The “måsen”. Snorting whiskey. Which is rather painful. The night, for some reason, ended up with a mostly destroyed rehearsal room. Don’t know if it was for the sake of metal, but it was pretty crazy.

MER: If your band was appointed Rulers of the Metal World, what is the first law you’d make?

Free beer for everyone!

MER: If you could tour with any band, who would that be, and why?

Hm, Metallica maybe? Huge influence for us and a BIG audience.

MER: What do you think your fans and the music industry will say about your band in 10 years?

Hopefully something like “I hope they come to our town soon” ;P

MER: If you could have any wish fulfilled for the band, what would it be?

To get to headline all the big festivals maybe. Would be awesome!


  • Scott Jeslis

    Scott is one of the partners at Metal Express Radio. He handles a lot of Metal Express Radio's public relations, screening of new music and radio scheduling. On occasion, he also does reviews and interviews. He has been a proud member of the Metal Express Radio crew since 2004.

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