Interview with I Saw The Deep

Hometown: The Hague, NL

Genres: Psych Metal, Prog Rock, Sludge

Label: independent

Members: Darrell LaClé: Vox/Guitars & all studio instrumentation


Surfaced in the fall of 2010. Inspired by mythology, the paranormal and classic sci-fi, I Saw The Deep identifies itself by crafting cryptic, almost cinematic story lines into monolithic pillars of sound. I Saw The Deep presents itself as a multidimensional experience.

Initially intended as a solo project, all production is done by vocalist/ multi-instrumentalist Darrell LaClé. Born and raised on the Caribbean island Aruba -now based in the Netherlands- Darrell absorbs the darker side of the ocean and its mysticism in his compositions. Though ever evolving, this band knows what it conceptually wants to portray through its music. Influences like the Mars Volta, Tool, The Tea Party and Mastodon reflect mostly in the fact that -not unlike I Saw The Deep- all these groups before mentioned walk their own unique tenacious path.

I Saw The Deep manifests itself live in the form of a power trio, recruiting different musicians and friends whenever the timing and schedules allow it. Additionally, singer-songwriter Darrell Laclé also endeavors on solo acoustic tours, presenting a heavy, yet stripped down, atmospheric interpretation of I Saw The Deep. In the span of the year 2011 the first batch of successful live shows were played both locally and overseas. To test out the material in the most stripped down versions, Darrell embarked on an independent acoustic solo tour, starting out in the Netherlands then flying over to Canada for couple of showcases at the Indie Week Toronto Festival 2011, then traveling back to the UK for a small tour, before heading to the Caribbean to close the tour in good fashion on his home island. I Saw The Deep just produced its debut record entitled “Astronavigation” -with Laclé himself behind the knobs and instrumentation. The album artwork is done by Darrell as well. An animation music video clip made by visual artist Ken Wolff was previously released of the 1st official single “Phantom Island, in anticipation towards the album. “Astronavigation” is now digitally available on different online platforms, with a physical release set in the near future.


Darrell LaClé – Bass, Drums, Other, Guitar., Vocals. Current Live Line-up: – TBA


-Debut album entitled Astronavigation (LP, 03-2012) – 1st single “Phantom Island” (Official Music Video, 10-2011)

Metal Express Radio: How did you come up with the band name?

Darrell: Growing up on a tiny island in the Caribbean, the ocean and its mysticism was a main source of inspiration. This, combined with the interest in ancient mythology, a healthy dose of Sci-fi literature, all led to “I Saw The Deep”. It stands for delving into the deeper layers of the psyche.

MER: What are 3 bands that you feel were most influential to your band, and why?

Darrell: There’s many and the list is constantly changing but at the core this would be Led Zeppelin. This is perhaps not directly heard back in the music, but the fact that they transcend any scene or genre bounding limitations is the most inspiring. As a matter of fact most of my Rock influences are pretty much either a unique sort of continuation or/and heavier evolution of what they did. For example the likes of The Sword and Mastodon.

MER: What are the 5 best Metal/Hard Rock albums of all times, and why?

Darrell: Led Zeppelin – Physical Graffiti

Metallica – Master of Puppets

The Tea Party – The Edges Of Twilight

Mastodon – Crack The Skye

Tool – Aenema

Each brings a pioneering element of either the occult, mysticism or genre expanding influences to the table. Except Master of Puppets which is just simply badass yet still groundbreaking!

MER: What is the best concert you’ve ever attended, and why?

Darrell: Tool with Mastodon as an opening act. It lifted my senses to another dimension.

MER: What was the most memorable gig your band ever played, and why?

Darrell: In this phase this is still a solo project that yet has to manifest itself live as a full band. But playing Indie Week Toronto last year, presenting this material in its most stripped down acoustic solo version, was an intense yet rewarding experience. When your songs can stand on its own like that, pretty much anything else becomes possible!

MER: What is the craziest thing any member of your band has ever done for the sake of Metal/Hard Rock?

Darrell: Well me being the only permanent member so far, I’ve been called many a times a lunatic for giving pretty much anything else up in order to serve Rock ‘n Roll, either being on the road without a dime or investing it all in your art. I can tell you all the beer drinking stories but well I think this a more important hard truth every independent rock musician out there might agree on.

MER: If your band was appointed Rulers of the Metal World, what is the first law you’d make?

Darrell: Hahaha… To ban all the Idols programs and the Gagas out there! But then again, being an outcast of society has kept metal special so far right! It’s something you either love to death or hate. So let’s keep it underground and loud…

MER: If you could tour with any band, who would that be, and why?

Darrell: Any of those aforementioned influences will pretty much do, because these guys are top class and one of a kind..

MER: What do you think your fans and the music industry will say about your band in 10 years?

Darrell: Good one. This journey has just begun so I have no idea. Best thing could happen is if this band could still inspire generations to come, old and new alike, my goal is to make timeless music, so that’s why you won’t see I Saw The Deep jumping on a bandwagon anytime soon. As far as the music industry is concerned, it’s all moving so fast I think we might have to redefine that term soon, so there’s no way of telling really.

MER: If you could have any wish fulfilled for the band, what would it be?

Darrell: To play all the continents, all the corners of this planet, spreading the music all around, leaving no rock unturned….


  • Scott Jeslis

    Scott is one of the partners at Metal Express Radio. He handles a lot of Metal Express Radio's public relations, screening of new music and radio scheduling. On occasion, he also does reviews and interviews. He has been a proud member of the Metal Express Radio crew since 2004.

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