Interview with KAOS

1). How did you come up with the band name KAOS?

We came up with the name a long time ago, say 1987, myself and then guitarist Joe Loescher, we were looking for a one word name that captures all of the worlds hell, something that sounded cool, and describes everything going on and KAOS was the perfect fit.

2). What are 3 bands that you feel were most influential to KAOS, and why?

The 3 bands that had the biggest impact on KAOS were KISS, Vio-Lence, and Slayer. Kiss, because we all loved them and grew up wanting to be just like them. Vio-Lence because we used to practice next to them in the same studio, and also became pretty good friends with most of the band — we played allot of shows with them. Slayer, well, of course is just SLAYER, and that’s that.

3). What are the 5 best Metal albums of all times, and why?

This is a tough one to call, sure to create some debate no doubt. For me, the 5 best Metal albums of all time would be:

1. Black Sabbath – Paranoid

2. Judas Priest – British Steel

3. Iron Maiden – Number of the Beast

4. Metallica – Master of Puppets

5. Slayer – Reign in Blood

4). What is the best concert you’ve ever attended, and why?

There have been so many great and memorable concerts over the years. It is almost impossible to pin down the best one. I mean, I have watched the entire lawn get ripped up at Candlestick Park in San Francisco during Metallica’s Monsters of Rock set. I saw rows of seats get ripped out of the concrete floor at the Warfield in San Francisco during an Exodus and M.O.D. show. People light their shirts on fire in the pit during a Slayer and Pantera show at the Civic Arena in San Jose. So many great memories … but the most important one of them all has to be Thrash of the Titans. Not only for what it stood for, but for the reunion that it created for some of the greatest Bay Area Metal legends. We can all be grateful for that. Oh, and the fact that I got to see a rare performance by S.O.D. that same night too.

5). What was the most memorable gig ever played by KAOS, and why?

We have had the honor to play with some of the greatest Metal bands here at home, but some of our best and most memorable are when we have been able to get out of the Bay Area. Having the opportunity to play at the Headbangers Open Air in Elmshorn, Germany has been a highlight for us, as well as a game changer as far as future goals for the band. It has set the bar much higher for us.

6). What is the craziest thing any member of KAOS has ever done for the sake of Metal?

Well … the days of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll are a bit different now. Nowadays sex is like stuffing a wet sock in a coke bottle … we still like our whisky, and our Metal keeps getting more and more aggressive. But, back in the day … I’ll have to say I took my fair share for the team!

7).   If KAOS was appointed Ruler of the Metal World, what is the first law you’d make?

When we were in Germany, it was the greatest thing … cans of Jack and Coke “Jackola!” were available in street vending machines 24/7. So, I say Jack Daniels to be available in ALL vending machines ALL of the time!

8). If you could tour with any band, who would that be, and why?

Metallica. Early on, hands down one of (if not the) most influential Metal band of our time. I think it would be difficult to find someone my age that plays Metal that was not influenced in one way or another by them. They have a huge and broad fan base that I think our brand of Thrash would actually go over well with.

9). What do you think your fans and the music industry will say about KAOS in 10 years?

The fans are going to say, “Yeaaahhhhhh f**king KAOS man!!! I can’t wait to get the new KAOS album!” and the industry will say, “Why didn’t we start working with this band 20 years ago?”

10). If you could have any wish fulfilled for the band, what would it be?

The fact that we continue building our stronghold and making a mark in the Metal world is already a great wish fulfilled. So, I would say the ability to continue, to keep growing, creating and spreading KAOS, and living the experiences that come with it for many years into the future would be the ultimate wish fulfilled.


  • Dan Skiba

    Dan is a former partner at Metal Express Radio, and also served as a reviewer, photographer and interviewer on occasions. Based out of Indianapolis, USA he was first turned on to Hard Rock music in the mid-1970s when he purchased Deep Purple's Machine Head as his first album. He was immediately enthralled with the powerful guitar sound and pronounced drumbeat, and had to get more! His collection quickly expanded to include as many of Heavy Rock bands of the time that he could get his hands on, such as Ted Nugent, Judas Priest, and Black Sabbath, to name just a few.

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