LOCH VOSTOK – Reveal No Secrets

LOCH VOSTOK - Reveal No Secrets
  • 7.5/10
    LOCH VOSTOK - Reveal No Secrets - 7.5/10


Nightmare Records
Release date: June 2, 2009

User Review
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Their ambiance alludes to something from the X-files. This goes beyond the title of the album, the cover art, and the band’s name; though each of those hint to the what’s weird, extraterrestrial, and clandestine. While the keyboards are pushed far to the background, they sound a lot like the theme music from that out-there show. As for what’s in your face, they slash-and-burn with brutal riffs and scream at the top of their lungs. Not just your average, everyday, ho-hum Death Metal band, they also sing and play clean. It’s a concoction that’ll turn members at the opposite ends of the spectrum off. However, it’ll appeal to those who cannot decide if they align themselves with darkness or light.

The greatest of their amalgamates is “Raiders Of The Lost Heart”. After that, “Energy Taboo” is probably their second-best hybrid. Also exhibiting some of Frankenstein’s art, “Dig Deeper” is another dissected piece where artificial limbs and surrogate parts cannot be distinguished from the intended baseline. In these songs, you’ll confuse them with bands that never get mentioned in the same breath. In one instance, they’re Symphony X. Then, in a flash, something like Opeth comes to mind next. They enter into the realm of affable outfits like Enchant. Then, as if experiencing the curse of the werewolf, they morph into destructive beasts like Bathory sans a single warning sign. At times, there’s even a hint of Jazz Fusion in there. Dream Theater, Pain of Salvation, Living Colour, Scorpions, and Rammstein are among the bands that get intermittently referenced as well.

Moreover, in order to remotely control these dissociated groups, the singer’s range of motion goes from Daniel Gildenlöw to Mikael Åkerfeldt and back.

Not to mention, Loch Vostok has a couple of powerful allies in the guest spot. Channeling Stream of Passion, “Thirty Years” assimilates Tina “Hail Satan” Gunnarsson into their game plan. Another of the devil’s helpers, Per “Pour Me Another One” Nilsson provides guitars from hell on “Uncompassion” and also joins the anti-heroine in her exclusive incarnation. Doing one better, the infamous Erik “EZ” Blomkvist lends his voice to those same two plus he plugs-in to “Energy Taboo”.

Shedding twilight on this motley mottled crew, these are well-versed musicians with a penchant for mischief. Like a gaggle of gremlins, they’ll wreak delightful havoc on your stereo. For that reason alone, caution is essential in their handling. Be advised that this album is meant for open-minded audiophiles who dabble in everything and take their genres in moderation.

Oh, and before signing off, remember this crucial rule: If you take this out of its plaster container, don’t feed it to your player after midnight, but if you do; be prepared for misbehavior!


  • Joshua Turner

    Joshua was a reviewer and interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. Iced Earth, Judas Priest, and Opeth are among his favorite bands, as well as Spock’s Beard and The Flower Kings. Once upon a time, the radio was a stopping point for him. From the day he discovered side-projects and Scandinavian imports, it all changed overnight. Outside of music, his passion is roller coasters. But when he's grounded and at home, he belong in the company of musical aficionados and technical shredders. He’ll get his jollies listening to Jazz Fusion when his favorites are in short supply. Still, if he had his druthers, give him a pretentious epic with a high-brow concept any day of the week (and slap on a guitar line with oodles of power chords for good measure).

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