HB – Frozen Inside

HB - Frozen Inside
  • 6/10
    HB - Frozen Inside - 6/10


Bullroser Records
Release date: June 29, 2008

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

The intro is only a vocal piece and praises God. It wouldn’t have hurt anyone if they’d added some melody in there, but through the 47 seconds it lasts there’s not an absolute need. The voice of singer Johanna from that moment shows that she is another ordinary female singer, sounding a bit as Sharon Den Adel (Within Temptation) and Annette Olson (Nightwish). Her voice is kind of nowhere-going and letting her voice be the introduction of the album was not a good idea.

However, the following song “God Has All Glory” is the very highlight of this record. As you might have guessed by reading the title, the track has a very Christian message in the lyrics. It’s simply about Jesus’ sacrifice for the sins of humanity. It almost works at this moment, but hearing about how great God is in every following tune becomes more than annoying after a while. What really lifts this song to a higher level are the great symphony and choir arrangements. It separates HB’s symphonic elements from other bands in the same genre, maybe that’s because of the numbers in their “Orchestra.” There’s only 4 people contributing and that makes the sound something completely different. However, it sounds marvelous, it’s not too much yet it’s pompous and aggressive as well. The choir features more people with 21 singers. Another great thing that takes you away is the chorus, which is mind-sticking and sounds just wonderful. “God Has All Glory” is the most massive, grandiose tune on this record, simply the highlight of Frozen Inside.

Following in the footsteps of this one you’ll have the more aggressive “It’s Time” and the ballad “Be Aware,” both with great melodies and riffs. The last mentioned song is also the first moment you’ll be aware of the guitarist, who does a fantastic job with the solo. Then comes another nice ballad entitled “Holy Secret.” Johanna’s voice does absolutely fit this one better than the previous tunes; it’s definitely a listening joy. There are also a lot of other fine elements in this one as well — for example the cello solo and the guitar solo. Ballads are indeed a fine thing, but HB tosses you two more after this one. It’s just too much with four ballads one after another.

The album sadly ends with two more nowhere-going ballads, the first one “Way” is as every other song on this record — extremely Christian related. Midway in the song a man’s voice appears, talking with a funny accent about how you must be forgiven to enter the realm of heaven. At some points of this speech they do have some great points, but then there comes a load of Christian propaganda again. It’s just too much. Mixing music and religion, well, it’s all about taste, some will like it and some will not. HB’s music sounds great but the lyrics can be provocative to many out there.

All in all, Frozen Inside is a great album, but towards the end it just becomes boring. More than half of the album is ballads and that is a fatal decision, because you’re almost put to sleep. HB do have the potential, it’s all about improving the songs a little bit, and taking variation to the music. Lyrically they should do whatever pleases them. It’s all about taste, either you like it or you hate it.

  1. Intro (Holy One)
  2. God Has All Glory
  3. It’s Time
  4. Be Aware
  5. Holy Secret
  6. Frozen Inside
  7. Years Go By
  8. Ambition
  9. Way
  10. Lovesong


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