Interview with Pathosray

PATHOSRAY just released one hell of a debut album and Kristian Nergård from Metal Express Radio recently caught up with bass player Fabio D’Amore to talk a bit about the band’s past, present and future.

Metal Express Radio: First of all, I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate you on one of the best debut albums from a Progressive Metal band in years! How has the response to the album been?

Fabio D’Amore: Thanks a lot for these words! It’s great for us to hear them! We’re very happy to receive such great responses around the media; we’re very proud of our work! It’s also cool to hear that you consider Pathosray the best debut album from a Progressive Metal band in years!

MER: Can you tell us a little bit about the recording process?

D’Amore: Sure! We recorded the album at the Angel’s Wings Studio, here in Northern Italy, assisted by Nico Odorico and Mattia Sartori. The recording sessions took place from September 2006 and finished around the end of that year. We entered the studio with almost all the ideas and details finished, because we did some great work during the pre-production that summer, inside our own home studio. It was very important for us, because we saved a lot of time, and spent it in order to find new arrangements and other adds to make the best results for the album. Of course, when things went well, something had to happen: Luca [Luison], our old guitarist, left the band just after recording his parts, without a clear reason. You can imagine that it was hard for us, but we continued working and focused on finishing the product. I have to say that the most important job done inside the studio was what was done about the vocals. We knew it was really important to focus a big part of our sound around Marco’s vocals and we made a strong “wall” where he’s almost predominant!

MER: And Marco’s vocal performance on this album is stunning, just like the performances from the rest of the band members. Talented musicians are hard to find when you’re putting together a band. How did a band consisting of as many extremely talented musicians as Pathosray get together?

D’Amore: We were formed back in 2000 by Ivan [Moni Bidin], Marco [Sandron] and Luca. Vittorio [Mansan] (keys) and Romolo [Del Franco] (bass) joined the band shortly after. With this line up the band released the first demo, called Strange Kind Of Energies, in 2002. During this period the band promoted the material and was playing live in all places possible. Then the band went on a break and when they started again, Gianpaolo [Rinaldi] and I joined the band. With the new line up we recorded and released the second demo, Deathless Crescendo [2006], where you can find the very first versions of four of the tracks on Pathosray. This demo took us playing live in new venues and we had the opportunity to win an important competition for a festival. And, as I said before, while we were recording the guitars, Luca left the band, and after some auditions we found Alessio [Velliscig], the new guitarist. It has been hard for the band to find stability, but now I can surely say that the line-up is stronger than ever and complete in every section.

MER: What’s your favorite song from the album?

D’Amore: Mmm, I cannot tell you one song in particular … I think this album is sort of a “best of” from all these years of activity. Each song has its own importance. Personally, I can also tell you that every song represents, for me, different periods of my life and it’s very hard for me to choose one of them! I’d have to say all of the songs … hehe.

MER: What kind of musical inspirations and influences do you have?

D’Amore: Me, I’m mostly influenced by well-known Progressive Metal bands, such as Dream Theater, Symphony X, Angra, Queensrÿche, P.o.S., Pagan’s Mind, etc., but I’m also a big fan of Technical Death Metal bands, like Opeth, Pestilence, Cynic, and Atheist. My background from Classical music is also very much alive inside me. Ivan is influenced by Italian Progressive Rock bands from the ’70s, like PFM, Banco del Mutuo Soccorso, Le Orme, but also by an Italian Progressive Metal band called Garden Wall. His favorite artist is Mike Oldfield. Marco is a great fan of Symphony X, and Mr. Russel Allen of course! He’s also a fan of Evergrey, Angra, Pagan’s Mind, Nevermore, and Hard Rock singers like Ronnie James Dio and Jorn Lande. Gianpaolo listens to a lot to Jazz-Fusion, but he’s also a great fan of Dream Theater, Symphony X, and the entire old British Progressive Rock scene, like Genesis, Yes, King Crimson, and so on … Just like me, Alessio is a big fan of Angra, but also loves Symphony X and bands like Meshuggah and Nevermore! He also loves Ethnic music and, of course, Progressive Rock from the ‘70s! Apart from these bands and artists, our music is mostly inspired by feelings, sensations, nature and real happenings. We want to transmit what we felt in different situations; what we could say in those kinds of moments, and I think that if you listen to our music a few times, you’ll know what I mean …

MER: What’s the story behind the band’s name, Pathosray?

D’Amore: Well, in the very beginning the band was called N.D.E. (Near Death Experience), but it soon turned into Pathosray. The meaning of the name is sort of an emotional stream that can explain our music style exactly and it translates our feelings in notes perfectly. Also, it sounded really Progressive at that time … hehe.

MER: How do you write your songs? Is it a team effort or does one man do all the writing?

D’Amore: Ivan is the one who brings the main ideas into the rehearsal room. Then we discuss them and start playing what he has in mind. As you can understand, each member of the band brings his own influence to the song and after a short while, we’ve simply built the rough structure. So, one man writes the first ideas and then the whole team develops them.

MER: You’re confirmed for this year’s ProgPower USA IX … things are going pretty well for you these days. What other plans does Pathosray have for the time to come?

D’Amore: We want to tour as much as possible, of course, and promote the album. A support tour would be perfect and we’re working on that now, with our management — Intromental Management. We hope to schedule something really important very soon. I can also tell you that within a few months we will start the pre-production of our second release! We’re very proud of the new songs and we can’t wait to start the real recordings for the new album!

MER: Sure to be worth waiting for! Metal Express Radio wishes you good luck with touring and recording. In closing, do you have any advice to give to bands that are eager to get their own music released?

D’Amore: Work a lot on the songs before you go into the studio. The work behind each song is the most important thing. You have to have clear ideas and know exactly what you want from all of the tracks. You should also try to think “if I’m a fan of this band, what would I want to listen to?”


  • Kristian Singh-Nergård

    Kristian is one of the partners at Metal Express Radio. He is Metal Express Radio's Marketing and Communications Manager, and on occasions also reviewer and photographer. Based out of Oslo, Norway, Kristian is a bass player and owner of the independent record label Pug-Nose Records. He has been a proud member of the Metal Express Radio crew since 2006.

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