MOZKOVITCH – Mozkovitch

MOZKOVITCH - Mozkovitch
  • 8/10
    MOZKOVITCH - Mozkovitch - 8/10


BLP Music
Release date: May 25, 2007

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

Mozkovitch is a name closer to Russian composers during the Soviet period instead of a band of teens looking to make Rock music. The average age of musicians in Mozkovitch is seventeen, yet the sound is distinctly nostalgic. Closer to Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin than Vains Of Jenna or CrashDïet, Mozkovitch set themselves apart as members of Sweden’s growing Rock resurgence.

Mozkovitch opens strong and with a unique sound for 2007. While many of Sweden’s finest rockers are tapping into the Glam Metal market, the young Mozkovitch has chosen a more circuitous route to musical fame. Relying heavily on Southern Rock-inspired melody and Jimi Hendrix-like production techniques, the self-titled debut has more hits than misses. An immediate standout track is “Overdose Roll.” The band has produced a nonsensical video to support the song, but it’s better to let the music do the talking. Perhaps most shocking while listening to “Overdose Roll” is the realization that lead singer Arvid Jonsson is so incredibly young. Jonsson’s voice sounds as trained – and weathered – as the likes of David Crosby or even Robert Plant.

Fans of 60s Protest Music will flock to Mozkovitch. The song “Mother Earth” sounds like a hippie warning from the Summer Of Love. Still, this doesn’t seem like the best way to describe either the band or their sound. Mozkovitch themselves say their music is a “retro orgasm deluxe.” Perhaps this is more accurate. After all, listening to teens warn about killing Mother Earth is a little difficult to believe in these jaded, modern times.

Mozkovitch has an equal distribution of fast rockers and songs in a slower tempo. One of the most original tracks on the entire disc is “Cows On The Moon.” Here, the guitars and drums work well together and Jonsson changes his voice to Grunge-era Eddie Vedder. The deep meaning of the song stays in line with Alternative music, save for the quiet keyboard solo.

“Witch” is the most Metal track on Mozkovitch, yet the tempo is not quite fast enough for headbanging. Think Jimi Hendrix singing “All Along The Watchtower” in about half time. “Witch” does include a decent guitar solo, but the production doesn’t capitalize on the opportunity to really bring the axe front and center. For the most part, production on Mozkovitch is top notch. Perhaps this is thanks to legendary musician Bjorn Lodin of Baltimoore and Krokus fame. Lodin signed Mozkovitch to his new label and also produced and mixed the album.

For music fans looking for a new band with an old sound, Mozkovitch is definitely worth a listen. Mozkovitch doesn’t re-invent the wheel, but the album proves that solid Rock albums can still roll.


  • Allyson B. Crawford

    Allyson was a reviewer here at Metal Express Radio, based out of Kettering, Ohio, USA. She works as a journalist at a local television station, and has a Graduate Degree in Rhetoric and an Undergraduate Degree in English with an emphasis on British Literature. She also owns and operates, a website dedicated to the Glam Metal movement. Her first Glam tape was Poison’s Open Up and Say … Ahh! She got the cassette for Christmas when she was in fourth grade. Her passion lies somewhere between the bars and notes that created the soundtrack to the never ending Rock 'n' Roll party that was the '80s. She considers Aerosmith's Rocks and Mötley Crüe's Shout At The Devil her all-time favorite albums.

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