Interview with Obscene Gesture (George, Guy, Chuck)

Obscene Gesture

Straight Outta The Gutter is Obscene Gesture’s debut release that was reviewed by the mighty MER crew. The crew grabbed the opportunity and interviewed George Robb, Guy Green, and Chuck Profus.

Metal Express Radio:
How was the idea of forming Obscene Gesture born?

Guy Green:
I played in Buel with Chuck and after deciding that it just wasn’t the direction I wanted to go musically, I quit. Soon after that I started the band Obscene Gesture. After a couple of different line-ups and demos, I called Chuck back up again (in early 2005) and we eventually hooked up. That lead to the recent demo that is out at the moment. The inspiration for Obscene Gesture was definitely my frustration with Hardcore and the direction it was in. I needed to do something about it.

George Robb:
I contacted Chuck & Guy around February and they gave me a demo. After listening to it (over & f***ing over) I had to be part of this thing. We started writing material immediately. Chuck and I have always worked well together since way back in the Agent Steel days. There was a time, when Agent Steel was winding down in the later 80’s that I wanted to recruit him for my band L.S.N. I also knew Guy from the old days of Agent Steel too. He used to actually roadie for us! Never knew he could play until speaking to Chuck recently. It’s been fucking magic since then. This was just the kind of thing I wanted to get involved in. I always loved the Trash/Punk/Crossover style. Some of my major influences have definitely been D.R.I., Suicidal Tendencies, S.O.D., and Slayer. You can really feel the roots of that style in the Obscene Gesture material. It f***ing kills!! I am really psyched to get this album released! It’s going to make some f***ing heads spin!

How did you come up with this band name?

Guy Green:
It’s all about SHOCK!!!

Chuck Profus:
Guy did ! It’s a form of “F**k You” You know …

George Robb:
I think the name speaks for itself …

Any news on a record deal?

Chuck Profus:
No nothing! Seems they are all signing Death – Grind or Nu-Metal, and the screamo’s!

George Robb:
Yeah that’s been a bit frustrating … people are screaming for some old-school stuff … and f**k, EVERY f***in’ old-school 80’s band is crawling outta the woodwork right now … it’s taking the record companies a little bit to catch on!! We had an agreement with a new label at the end of 2006, but it kinda feel through … we’re working our asses off trying to get something else … it’ll happen REAL soon for sure.

How can a new band earn a record contract? George Robb:
You f***in’ tell me!!!

Chuck Profus:
I really don’t have an answer! Hard work and a bit more $$$$

Guy Green:
Throw around them $$$’s!!!

Straight Outta The Gutter was initially recorded in late 2005. Why did you have to re-master it?

Chuck Profus:
The truth is … it was never mastered!

George Robb:
Yeah that “re-mastered” thing is a little misleading … we just had a few of the pops and hisses taken off … it’s just enhanced a bit and added a little effect to the intro … it’s basically the same as the original version of it.

Did you re-record any of the songs?

George Robb:
We didn’t re-record the demo but we did re-record those tracks for the album. A couple of them are a little different and a few of them are similar to the originals. You’ll just have to buy it to find out.

Did you face any difficulties during the recordings/mastering process?

Chuck Profus:
Well Vince was on tour with Body Count in Europe during all the drum tracking! And we all got really sick! The flu hit us hard! I had a very hard time recording. It’s all good! I had fun!

George Robb:
It was fun. Unfortunately Chuck was sick when we laid down the drum tracks and since Vince was in Europe, Guy did all the guitar initial scratch tracks. Guy is a rippin’ f***ing guitarist in his own right. Vince came back to L.A. and laid down his guitar parts a few days afterwards and I did my bass tracks a week later. Guy did vocals soon after. Since I was living in San Diego at the time, about 110 miles away from L.A., I wasn’t there for the mix down and mastering … it was mostly Chuck and our producer Rob Hill.

Are you satisfied with the result?

Chuck Profus:
Yes I am! We wrote the new songs really fast. It felt very natural! It was fun. Sometimes it is a headache writing Music and Cd’s! You feel pressure, but we didn’t have too many problems!

George Robb:
Well, I gotta say personally that I wanted it to be just a bit more Hardcore, but it really is pretty good. I mentioned earlier that we used L.A. producer Rob Hill (Cypress Hill, Powerman5000, Agent Steel, Tourettes, etc.) and it was really different. We wanted to try someone that had never done a Hardcore album before, so we COULD get something different. Like Chuck mentioned, we did it fairly quickly and it pretty much just flowed naturally … not a lot of dubs and shit … and no f***ing programming!

Any update on the new album?

George Robb:
It’s ready to bag and f***ing tag!!! The CD is recorded and cover art ready … we’re just waiting for it to be picked up … I’m sure the fans will see it by the start of Summer 2007. It’ll be called Living In Profanity.

Chuck Profus:
It’s done and ready to go. Finished.

What differences will fans find between the new album and the Straight Outta The Gutter demo?

Chuck Profus:
Well, it’s smooth and natural growth! Vince did some writing and George helped arrange! Remember it was just me and Guy on the first demo. Vince Simpson played guitar and leads and Durbin played bass.

George Robb:
I think they both have the same feeling. The songs still have the same power and intensity … except for the fact that it’s recorded well … not to say it’s TOO produced, that’s one thing we laid out when we went into the studio was that we didn’t want it to be over-produced … it’s definitely still fast and furious … 21 tracks in 37 minutes!!! Hold onto your ass when you listen to this!

What are the lyrics about?

Guy Green:
For the most part, the inspiration for our song lyrics is life experiences. All the lyrics on the demo were written by me. The song “Fallen” is about someone that is not right as a person. “Enough” is about someone where their bullshit overwhelms them … takes over their lives. Happens a lot to a lot of people. The song “Killing Kids” is basically just what it says. It’s a view on what society is doing to the youth today. I think that one speaks for itself.

Chuck Profus:
I really don’t know for sure! Anger, headaches on the average.

George Robb:
The streets, life, agony, violence, loneliness, tragedy, getting f***ed over, society, us!

What is your writing process? Do the lyrics or the music come first?

Guy Green:
I like to throw some ideas around on the guitar first and then present that to the band … we’ll take it and add to it, rearrange and f**k with it until we find something we like. I’ll add the lyrics last. I wrote most of the music and lyrics on the new CD … not all of it, though.

Chuck Profus:
Easy, first just lots of f***ing around with a old recorder on! Listen back and put it together! Start playing it again and again till it’s right! Then vocals — now that can change the songs at times.

George Robb:
Guy brings in a lot of ideas, he’s a crazy f**k! We all contribute though, especially when it comes to the final arrangements and shit. We already wrote a number of new songs since recording the new album and everyone had a hand with writing those. The way we see it, by the time we get signed we’ll have enough material for another new album (ha-ha)!

What is your musical background?

Chuck Profus:
I started at 13. I had about 12 lessons at one point early on. Born and raised on John Bonham/ Neil Peart/Tommy Aldridge/Dave Lombardo and my true hod, Stuart Copeland! Just old fashion hard work in getting interesting, fast beats!

George Robb:
Just tooling around since I was 15 or so … no lessons.

Guy Green:
I mainly did Buel and Obscene Gesture.

Can you name your major influences?

George Robb:
Slayer, Suicidal Tendencies, Black Sabbath, Discharge, Iron Maiden (Steve fucking Harris!!!), Agnostic Front, S.O.D, D.R.I., UFO.

Guy Green:
Cro-Mags, S.O.D., Bad Brains, Agnostic Front, Suicidal Tendencies, Madball, Slayer, Megadeth.

What are your tour plans?

George Robb:
We just finished doing the Los Angeles Metalfest with Brutal Truth, Obituary, and 40 other fuckin’ bands in March, and we have another co-headlining show in L.A. in April. We’re planning a small Southwestern USA tour right at the moment with a couple of L.A. bands. Should be doing shows in California, Arizona, and Nevada in Spring 2007.

Chuck Profus:
We need help finding the right people! I have been out of the scene for a while now, so I’m looking! Do you know of any honest people yourself? Any help is good.

What is the current status in the Metal scene in the States?

Chuck Profus:
What I see is this: Death/Grindcore is making a move right now. You have a lot of bands doing the Nu-Metal — ala scream-o. Some of the young bands are doing some old school Thrash Metal! But, the fans are coming back! Shows are filling up more and more! Destruction was packed, and it looked like 1986. History always repeats itself! And Old School is coming BACK. We are trying our best to be there when it happens! Cause it will!

George Robb:
That’s a f***ing tough one to gauge, bro. But, I’ll tell you one thing; maybe it’ll take some old blood to bring some new blood into it!

Guy Green:
YEAH!!! What the scene needs is NO B***SHIT AND BACK TO THE BASICS!!!

Can a band like Obscene Gesture survive in the States?

Chuck Profus:
Only if some see it like way I just said! History is repeating itself as we speak! I need the right people to help us. Yes the U.S. will love the f***ing shit! The kids, man, the kids.

George Robb:
With the right backing, I’m sure there’s no limit to what this band can do in the USA and elsewhere.

What are your goals with Obscene Gesture?

George Robb:
Sky’s the f***ing limit! Hopefully we can help spark a change in thinking about Thrash and Hardcore; especially here in the States, it definitely needs it!

Chuck Profus:
Once again simply bringing back The Old School! Festivals, A MUST!

Guy Green:
Turn some heads and break some necks!

Thank you for your time. Feel free to add anything you’d like.

Chuck Profus:
Right on – Thanks so much for supporting us and all underground music. We are working on getting some songs up on the promotion Web page we created soon! Then we will send some hard copies after that as well!

George Robb:
You mother f***ers better keep an eye out for us because we’ll be there Spring/Summer 2007. It’s gonna be a bloodbath!!!! Thanks again for all the support everyone has thrown at us over the past year and a half. WATCH FOR THE ALBUM!

Guy Green:
B E W A R E !


  • Dr. Dimitris Kontogeorgakos

    Dimitris was a reviewer and interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He has a diploma in Physics, a Masters in Medical Physics and a doctorate dimploma in Nuclear Medicine (this is the reason for his Dr. title). He was given his first Heavy Metal tape at the age of 12 which was a compilation entitled Scandinavian Metal Attack. The music immediately drew his attention and there he was listening to the first Iron Maiden album, trying to memorize the names of the band members. That was it! After some years, he stopped recording tapes and started buying vinyl records, spending every penny in the local record shop. The first live concert he attended was Rage co-headlining with Running Wild.

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