DIABLO ROYALE – Diablo Royale

DIABLO ROYALE - Diablo Royale
  • 7.5/10
    DIABLO ROYALE - Diablo Royale - 7.5/10


Release date: February 9, 2007

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

New York natives Diablo Royale are down and dirty rockers. Their self-titled debut effort is strong, and pulls from Classic Rock influences like Iggy and The Stooges and the MC5. Production on Diablo Royale isn’t the best, but this doesn’t necessarily detract from the overall concept of the work. At times, it’s hard to discern the lyrics of Adrian Barrios over the tin-like production. Still, it’s pretty clear Diablo Royale like Sleaze Rock.

There isn’t much new here you haven’t all heard before, but Diablo Royale still know how to rock. “King Of Lies” is reminiscent of AC/DC and more Modern Metal. The vocals here are a little rawer, and the bass pumps. Things get a little too predictable when the band introduces spoken parts into the song. “King Of Lies” didn’t need this extra layer – the song is heavy enough, and is able to sell itself. Want real Rock? “Don’t Mind Me” is good, heavy, and loud. Reminiscent of early Godsmack and Alice In Chains, the production on this track sounds better than the rest of the album. There are times on “Don’t Mind Me” when it seems Barrios is actually channeling the voice of Layne Staley. In fact, “Don’t Mind Me” is the shining moment for Diablo Royale.

The good news is that Diablo Royale are pretty tongue-in-cheek about emulating their idols. There is no denying the Hard Rock gods that went into making this self-titled debut. While Diablo Royale are working hard to create their own sound, there is simply no denying that some keyboard maneuvers or guitar techniques are a throwback to a classic sound. For instance, “Hooked” sounds like it came from the 1978 Van Halen sessions. After all, it’s better to emulate good music than crap.

Another high point of Diablo Royale is “Bad Luck.” This song has good energy, and even better riff, plus a catchy chorus. In the vein of Dangerous Toys, “Bad Luck” sounds deliciously sleazy while maintaining a modern feel. The boys in Diablo Royale even threw in a cowbell for good measure. So, do you need the Diablo Royale debut? The answer is yes if you want a good time with some Down ‘n’ Dirty Rock ‘n’ Roll.


  • Allyson B. Crawford

    Allyson was a reviewer here at Metal Express Radio, based out of Kettering, Ohio, USA. She works as a journalist at a local television station, and has a Graduate Degree in Rhetoric and an Undergraduate Degree in English with an emphasis on British Literature. She also owns and operates BringBackGlam.com, a website dedicated to the Glam Metal movement. Her first Glam tape was Poison’s Open Up and Say … Ahh! She got the cassette for Christmas when she was in fourth grade. Her passion lies somewhere between the bars and notes that created the soundtrack to the never ending Rock 'n' Roll party that was the '80s. She considers Aerosmith's Rocks and Mötley Crüe's Shout At The Devil her all-time favorite albums.

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