KINGDOM COME – Ain’t Crying For The Moon

KINGDOM COME - Ain't Crying For The Moon
  • 9.5/10
    KINGDOM COME - Ain't Crying For The Moon - 9.5/10


Frontiers Records
Release date: October 20, 2006

User Review
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It sure has been a while since you heard “Get It On,” “Living Out Of Touch,” or “17,” on the radio (or someone’s CD player for that matter) from the band’s first self-titled album released in 1988 on the Polydor label. And now, due for release in Europe 18 years later is Ain’t Crying For The Moon, the bands 12th album. If it hadn’t been for Lenny Wolf, the true visionary and main ingredient in the band, Kingdom Come would have been history back in August of 1989. After the line-up split back in 1989 (after only two album releases), Wolf was the sole remaining member of the band. He decided to keep the Kingdom Come project alive even if it meant utilizing session players to release Kingdom Come’s next album in line, which is exactly what he did. Hands Of Time, released in 1991, was in fact their 3rd and last vinyl disc to come from Polydor. In order to save the band, Wolf’s vision came to be by forming an entirely different ensemble of musicians for his endeavor at that time. Unfortunately, that once again new line-up would be dissolved like all the others throughout Kingdom Come’s life span. But, as they say, that was then and this is now. What a difference 18 years can do to a band.

In the nineties, Lenny Wolf decided to return to his homeland in Germany where he kept releasing new material and toured relentlessly. It was the Independent album released in 2002 that put Kingdom Come back on the radar screen. It turns out that in the overall scheme of things, nine of the twelve releases by Kingdom Come came while the band’s roots were abroad. Eight albums had German labels and one album had an English label, from the fourth album on through to their new and latest work, Ain’t Crying For The Moon.

With this new studio album, Lenny has been quoted in saying that “I thought it’s time to take out the axe again and rock the house.” Well truer words have seldom been spoken. At first listen to the opening track on the CD, it is quite obvious that Lenny, who wrote and plays almost every note of every instrument on this album, has pulled off what he intended to do. “Two Legged Sheep” is indeed heavy, just as Mr. Wolf intended, combining two extremes (those being the heavy output mixed with the moody and spacey breakdown) and then allowing the listener to go to a different planet. After this first song, there is an excitement that comes about which is rare nowadays.

The next two tracks seem to fit the bill for now. “Not Here To Be Your Friend” and “Same Old Stars” hold their own; maybe not as heavy as “Two Legged Sheep,” but certainly worth mentioning. There is some incredibly heavy guitar work in “Same Old Stars” that is certainly deserving of a listen. “Ain’t Crying For The Moon” is a very different, strange (yet intense), title track, and is the longest song on the CD, coming in just under nine minutes in length. It is melodic in the piano and vocals part of the track, very elegantly played by Hendrik Thiesbrummel. Then all hell breaks loose from then on out. No more easy listening music. A barrage of sound hits you at one point and knocks you over. The heavy section has an undefinable wall of guitars, whereby you can’t detect the real playing method of the riff. Even Lenny who has to show the rest of the touring band how he did it exactly must re-listen to the solo track of the guitars first to figure out what he did in his guitar playing. There is a phenomenal guitar solo near the end played by Eric Forster. As an added surprise, a cello is added into the mix and is played by Hagen Kuhr. This might perhaps be the best track on the CD.

“Perfect Citizen” is a very unusual song all in itself. It is almost hypnotic and trance-like in the guitar work and keys. The heavy monotone guitar riff that beats along has a much cleaner-sounding, floating guitar underneath that guides the harmony changes, and is very impressive. “This Is My Life” follows up a great song with an equally impressive effort. This time, however, the emphasis is on the drumming and deep bass playing instead. A real solid Rock tune that can stand on its own.

“Bon Scott” says it all in the title. What else really needs to be said? It is a thank you song (more or less) to the late, great vocalist from the band AC/DC. Lenny tries to duplicate certain sounds and styles that AC/DC was noted for producing.

The mellowest track on the CD by far is “Removed The Sting.” There’s a nice, clean sound in the vocals and guitar mix, and a nice combination where the melodic theme seems to work to its benefit. A strange sounding track at first is “Friends In Spirit.” It has a trumpet-horn-techno-sound thing going on. As one listens, however, it seems to grow on you. Very strong keys are used in this tune. Another strange (and deep) riffed track is “Darkroom,” but Lenny is still able to hold this one together.

“Look At You” shows promise once again from it’s strong opening. The intro and verses have Lenny’s new Telecaster sound to it. There is a wall of guitars sound in the chorus with a scratchy undertone to it.

One of Lenny Wolf’s favorite Beatles songs is “Across The Universe.” Therefore he went ahead and covered this classic track, which he performs scaringly similar to the original. To end the CD is the 2006 version of Kingdom Come’s 1988 mega-hit “Get It On.” It’s different, but then what would you expect, 1988 vs 2006. Do the math and figure out how many bands have come and gone in that amount of time.

Well, there you have it in a nutshell! If you are a true Kingdom Come fan you will absolutely love this new CD. If you are just beginning to listen to the band, this is still a very solid performance and picking it up won’t be a mistake.


  • George Fustos

    George was a reviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He has engineering degrees in Chemical and Electrical Engineering. He favors Metal, Rock, Hard Rock, Classic Rock, Blues, and even some Jazz and Motown (depending on the tune). He used to dabble with the bass quite some time ago. His most influential bassists are Jaco, Billy Sheehan, Stu Hamm, Geddy Lee, and John Entwistle (RIP Ox). Band-wise he's really into Rush, Tool, early Metallica, Pink Floyd (including Waters and Gilmour as solo artists), The Who, Iced Earth, Iron Maiden, Halford, Joe Satriani, certain Judas Priest, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Albert Collins (Blues guitarist), Motörhead, and a German band called Skew Siskin that Lemmy says in an interview as being "the best band out there today."

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