
Perris Records
Release date: April 6, 2006

User Review
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Perris Records is back again with their fifth release in their series of “Hollywood Hairspray” compilations with, the aptly entitled, Hollywood Hairspray Vol. 5. The concept is simple … find and sign a whole bunch of unknown, or relatively unknown, Glam/Sleaze Rock bands from all over the globe and put a track from each onto a compilation disc. Some of them wind up releasing full blown albums on Perris Records’ label, whilst others just eventually fade away.

Volume 5 gives the buyer a total of sixteen tracks, each from a different band. This release, like most of the previous volumes, starts out strong. Sweden is represented in nice fashion as they log in the first two tracks on this release; with both tracks being the most memorable of the lot. Chris Laney’s (Zan Clan, Animal) offering in “Instinct Animal” is a catchy tune with a strong chorus to open up the disc. Hollywood’s “Hearts On Fire” follows next with an almost Pomp chorus and an attitude almost Stryper-like. Both tracks ooze the most “80’s Hair Metal” sound, followed closely by USA’s Sweet Cheater and Gunshy. The Deadthings and RadioVipers get a nod, if you can get past the seemingly silly band names, as their tracks end up being hard to tag, but they seem to draw you in, curiously, back for repeated listens.

The remaining tracks on the disc tend to waver from unmemorable Glam to Sleaze, with some almost exhibiting a New Wave-ish edge to them, some coming close to reminding of The Ramones. Production values aren’t the highest throughout the release, and tend to be spotty. Some tracks wind up being cleaner and clearer than others.

Being the 5th in the series, it seems like this one is the weakest of the lot, which is a scary thing, as a 6th volume is being released in June 2006. It’s hard to recommend this one as a must-buy with so much material by other strong artists vying for one’s hard earned dollars nowadays. Additionally, samples of most of these bands have to be running rampant on sites such as MySpace.com for the inquisitive. Bottom line, the majority of this compilation is best left as a free sampler disc to be handed out to fans exiting concerts of bands that Perris Records does sign.

Tracking List

Chris Laney – “Instinct Animal” (Sweden)
Hollywood – “Hearts On Fire” (Sweden)
Dirty Rig – “Suck It” (USA)
RadioVipers – “Pusher” (Italy)
Bastardz – “Pills” (Brazil)
The Deadthings – “Forever Damned” (Australia)
Sweet Cheater – “Dancin On My Grave” (USA)
Gunshy – “Hold On To Your Dreams Tonight” (USA)
On Parole – “Midnight In Her Eyes” (Sweden)
Jack Viper – “Merry Go Around” (UK)
Alter Ego X – “Devil Woman” (Netherlands)
Silver Dirt – “Go! She Said” (Switzerland)
Backseat Superstars – “Love Story” (USA)
Snow – “Razorblade Kiss” (Brazil)
Nice ‘N’ Sleezy – “Rock ‘N’ Roll Addiction” (UK)
Straight Fork – “Women, Whiskey, Weed & Lies” (USA)


  • Scott Jeslis

    Scott is one of the partners at Metal Express Radio. He handles a lot of Metal Express Radio's public relations, screening of new music and radio scheduling. On occasion, he also does reviews and interviews. He has been a proud member of the Metal Express Radio crew since 2004.

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