This Finnish lot has gotten quite some publicity lately with their quite accessible mix of Mithotyn, Finntroll, and Thyrfing, as well as the traditional Finnish style of Children of Bodom, Throne of Chaos, and front man Petri Lindroos’ main band Norther (he joined Ensiferum prior to this release). Judging by this release, it is hard, if possible at all, to understand why, as they are nowhere by a mile near the level of any of the aforementioned bands.
This is bubble gum/comic book “Metal” of the worst kind -– Nintendo Gameboy melodies, pre-teen chanting vocals, sadly unoriginal attempts at riffing, and last but not least, a Finnish folksong medley just to show they can keep it “true.” There are a few – as in very few – signs of hope here, though. The title track has an okay chorus, and some of the speedier parts of “Warrior’s Quest” are listenable, but that’s about it.
The idea could work, the packaging is nice, and there’s probably (or more likely, hopefully) some talent in there too – as skinny as these young Finns are, it shouldn’t be possible to hide it this well, though – because this doesn’t work at all.
Now go buy all releases by Mithotyn, Bathory, Lumsk, Einherjer, and Windir. Then listen to those while intensely practicing your respective instruments for a year, take another year to compose new material, record it and release it. That should make for a much needed three-year break for everyone.
This EP is junk.
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