SENCIROW – Perception Of Fear

SENCIROW - Perception Of Fear


Tuba Records
Release date: January 9, 2006

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

Norwegian record label Tubarec has dished out a lot of great stuff in these recent years, so expectations were set high for German band Sencirow’s debut album Perception of Fear. Unfortunately (and it has to be emphasized that it’s not the musicians that are lacking talent), this genre of Heavy Metal is just saturated by so many bands, and it’s all so similar, that it just gets boooooring!

Sencirow seem like a band that are still searching for their own platform, and instead of thinking about the total outcome of a song, it seems like they are more interested in showing off their guitar skills. Who can play the fastest?! At times, it almost sounds like they are trying to outdo each other, and their songs get totally carried away by mad and excessive foot pedal drums. It’s really sad, actually, because some of their songs have glimpses that could be compelling to all laymen of Heavy Metal.

Sencirow themselves claim their album is in the vein of bands like Morgana Lefay (Sweden), but it is also clear that they have pieces of both Iron Maiden and Helloween in their veins. Sencirow members even went the extra mile to promote this CD, so they threw it on stage at a Iron Maiden concert. Hopefully the guys took the time to listen to it. One 80s icon that has taken the time to listen to the band is the infamous Doro Pesch. After their demo, Crown of Creation, they got to play support for this Metal Queen in different local shows.

Perception of Fear has twelve songs, and two of them, “Burn It Down” and “Connection of Evil,” are both in normal and a radio/club version. Both songs are the better ones on the album, and “Burn It Down” has a beautifully mysterious guitar intro that’s worth mentioning. The same guitar play can be found on the very Iron Maiden inspired “Keeper of Souls,” another good tune! “The Storm” is another song that has Iron Maiden written all over it!

Sencirows line up is Daniel Seifert on vocals and guitars, Thorsten Ernst on guitars, Holger Fischer on bass, and Timo Schneider on drums. Without a doubt a great line up with gifted musicians, but they still have to find their own identity. Unfortunately, the strength in Seiferts voice gets a bit lost in the drumming and aggressive guitar riffs that tend to be a bit exaggerated.

To stand out from all other bands competing within this genre, Sencirow need something more than this debut, but they are still newcomers, so all in all they still have time.

Check them out anyhow…


  • Anne-Lene Rodahl

    Anne-Lene was a reviewer and interviewer here at Metal Express Radio, based out of Oslo, Norway, and she was the first ”gal” on board!

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