VELCRA – Between Force And Fate

VELCRA - Between Force And Fate


Release date: October 17, 2005

User Review
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Velcra has opted to attack the difficult second album dilemma by boldly experimenting with everything they can thing of and then some. Strange as this may sound, that experimentation has somehow helped to create a strong and solid album with tons of layers for the listener to sink into.

Between Force and Fate shows how the band’s performance has grown, and instead of wobbling and searching for those first steps, you get confident, focused, and pounding attacks, smoothed down with occasional tender and soothing moments. Singer Jessie’s vocals go from whispering sweetness, to purring, to growling, to screaming, and back again. Just check any of the songs on this new one against the songs on their first release, Consequences of Disobedience, to see the change in attitude. While the previous album was demonstrative of a infant band taking their first steps, this new album sees them running ahead of the pack at the pace of their own setting… that’s how confident this album sounds.

Velcra still has the industrial feel of early NIN, and the closest comparison for singer Jessi is still Tairrie B from the Manhole days. Velcra’s thing is to mix with the industrial a touch of English Techno Music, a la Prodigy and Faithless, and make it their own. There are tons of programmed sounds and samples added to the mix, which guarantees new discoveries with nearly every spin.

The album starts with the battle cry from “War Is Peace,” and the chorus of “The battle has begun count it 3-2-1” is addictive, and sets the pace for this merry-go-round ride that could work as a soundtrack for any modern day horror movie, or any life lived in today’s fast-paced rat race, trying to satisfy its insane demands.

“I Can’t Tell The Sun From The Moon,” with its children’s choir parts, sounds like a twisted nursery rhyme. The choir parts are provided by the Royal Choir of Abused Children of London.

“The Bong Song” breaks the mold and could be played on prime time MTV during their dance charts if not for the self-explanatory lyrics. Without the samples, this could count as the ballad of the album.

“Complain” brings back the industrial feel after “Bong …,” and sees Jessi working herself into a frenzy before ending the song via tender and innocent sounding vocals. The instrument part at the end sounds like something out of a Prodigy album.

“Hotel of Alcatraz” is a like a poem spoken over rhythm. “Wonderland Sunrise” ends the album with a now familiar frantic, touch-away-from-insanity, feel.

If you’re searching for something to fill in the void left by NIN’s and Manhole’s absence, and the mention of Prodigy does not scare you, then check Velcra out. This album is filled with pounding industrial sounds mixed with countless samples and Prodigy type music. Singer Jessi shows that she is capable of making her voice sound like anything between an angel and a tramp. So whether or not you wanna be put in line or choose rather to be caressed, both can be done by listening to Jessi. You could even try working out your aggressions safely by furiously dancing to Velcra’s infective beats, letting the workout leave you with a sweaty body and an insane grin.


  • Metal-Katie

    Katie was a reviewer and interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. She claims to have been born a Metalhead. At least she's been one as far as she can remember. She loves Metal music and she's ever so happy to see generation after another founding its charm. She's always interested in hearing new Metal bands and reading about them and their antics. She lives and breathes Metal, or at least her alter ego does.

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