LAOS – We Want It

LAOS - We Want It


MTM Music
Release date: August 22, 2005

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

Your first thought might be that this album both looks and sounds like its from the 1980s or 1990s. Well, that’s not so weird, because this is a re-release.

Just by looking at the cover of this album, you already know this has to be a German band … and who do you think of when you see a rather hot blonde in a outdated black leather jacket and 5 hairy men behind her? Warlock and Doro Pesch of course. Not only do they look like Warlock in the 1980s, they also have a bit of the same sound. Singer Gudrun Laos has a raw female voice, and on some of her songs she resembles both Ann and Nancy Wilson (Heart), but unfortunately she never reaches Wilson’s or Doro Pesch’s level.

The same thing can be said about Laos’ songs … there are a few good tunes, but none with the “All We Are” hit potential. The closest to having hit potential is “We Called It Love,” which sounds more like something coming from Vixen than Doro or Warlock. This is probably why they never hit it big in the 1990s, and why they probably won’t hit it big this second time around too.

Another song that might catch your attention is “More Than A Feeling,” which is an old 1980s tune from Boston. It won’t catch your attention because it’s such a great rendition of the song, but more because it simply has a familiar sound.

The thing with AOR music is that it’s all easy on the ear and quite pleasant to listen to … and the same thing can be said about this album, but nevertheless, this is a good thing for those true fans that have had problems finding this album for the last 20 years. For the rest of you that may have never heard about Laos until this day; you’d be better off buying a greatest hits album by Warlock, Vixen, or Heart instead.


  • Anne-Lene Rodahl

    Anne-Lene was a reviewer and interviewer here at Metal Express Radio, based out of Oslo, Norway, and she was the first ”gal” on board!

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