Vocalist Tim Lambesis about As I Lie Dying sharing stage with Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden during Ozzfest 2005 and releasing their third album
by Dan Skiba
Vocalist Tim Lambesis about As I Lie Dying sharing stage with Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden during Ozzfest 2005 and releasing their third album
by Dan Skiba
Dan is a former partner at Metal Express Radio, and also served as a reviewer, photographer and interviewer on occasions. Based out of Indianapolis, USA he was first turned on to Hard Rock music in the mid-1970s when he purchased Deep Purple's Machine Head as his first album. He was immediately enthralled with the powerful guitar sound and pronounced drumbeat, and had to get more! His collection quickly expanded to include as many of Heavy Rock bands of the time that he could get his hands on, such as Ted Nugent, Judas Priest, and Black Sabbath, to name just a few.
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