FRANCESCO FARERI – Forbidden Dimension

FRANCESCO FARERI - Forbidden Dimension


Lion Music
Release date: July 22, 2005

Guitar: A-
Bass: B
Drums: A-
Keyboards: B+
Recording Quality: B
Originality: B+
Overall Rating: B

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Seven string guitar virtuoso Francesco Fareri is fast becoming a popular name in the shred guitar arena. Having only been playing guitar for 10 years, he is already releasing his second album entitled Forbidden Dimension. Previously, Francesco released a freshman solo release (Suspension), has recorded 3 instructional methods for the Chops From Hell Web site and has done cameo guitar on several releases from other artists, including one of his biggest influences, keyboardist Vitalij Kuprij. Fareri also sites a heavy duty list of other shredders as his main influences, including; Jason Becker, Greg Howe, Shawn Lane, Rusty Cooley, George Bellas, Al DiMeola, Steve Vai, John Petrucci, Symphony X, and Micheal Romeo. A lot has been written about Francesco’s hyper speed technique (intense speed, fast-swept licks, etc.) and there is no doubt he’s one of the fastest, if not THE fastest, up-and-coming player.

The question any avid shred guitar enthusiast has to ask is, with so many current day influences (a lot of which are still producing music present day), is Fareri just a carbon copy or is he capable of producing a sound all his own? Thankfully the answer to that question is a resounding “Yes,” even though it might take uninitiated listeners a few spins of this CD to truly appreciate the full breadth of this release.

If you’ve never listened to Fareri’s playing before, then here’s what to expect: Be prepared for long, musical, story-telling tracks. This album contains eight tracks, with four of those tracks clocking in well over nine minutes in length. Several of these tracks also contain “necessary” pauses, as Fareri told Metal Express in a recent interview, “Those pauses are necessary to create different states within the songs — they are important to create breaks and to leave room to breath until the next part starts again.” No truer words have every been spoken, as Fareri’s hyperspeed playing technique will have your ears reeling in pain just trying to keep pace. Envision Michael Angelo Batio on amphetamines and you’ll get the picture. Sometimes Fareri’s playing is so fast that it’s hard to discern whether it’s guitar or some wailing keyboard sequence being heard. It’s these decidedly different, somewhat lengthy, “wailing” tracks, which will possibly cause a new listener to initially cringe. This is one of those albums that you really need to be in the “mood” to listen to. It demands full attention to fully comprehend what you’re listening to; it’s by no means “background music.” Never fear, a few spins and several bottles of “Jolt” cola, and your brain will be able to catch up with what’s happening throughout this full-throttled instrumental disc.

Throughout, the production is airy and light and offers an almost “live” quality to the mix. The backing musicians also deserve a round of applause. One has to wonder if Jon Doman (drums) had to take a week-long vacation after trying to keep pace with Fareri’s playing. Doman’s adrenaline-pumped footwork, especially on tracks like “Evolution” and “Reflection,” is just phenomenal. Honea’s bass playing seems to somehow often get lost, though, behind the furious flurry of notes offered by Fareri, Doman, Katsionis, and Kuprij. Trained ears, however, will be able to pick up the thrashing bass in the background in “Reflection” (not to mention the small bass solo Honea is afforded in that same song).

One small quibble on this album is the track “Secrets (Part 2).” This track is a four-minute, sullenly quiet piece, which most certainly had some place in Fareri’s story telling. Its uncharacteristically quiet, eerie overtone just seems out of place on a release that otherwise bombards the listener with a wall of instrumental sound. It’s so sullen that you’ll need to check the volume on your stereo to make sure the CD hasn’t stopped.

Overall this release is full of original, high volume, fast-paced shredding, interwoven with exchanges of maniacal drumming and keyboard playing. Even though Fareri would like us to think we understand the meaning of the story he’s trying to convey, we do know one thing; the musicians on this release beat the hell out of their instruments! For those that like their technical shredding a lot “faster paced,” then this CD will be held up as a very good release indeed!

Also, be sure to check out the Metal Express on-line, written interview with Francesco.


Francesco Fareri – Guitar
Kyle Honea – Bass
Jon Doman – Drums
Vitalij Kuprij – Piano & Keyboards
Bob Katsionis – Keyboards Solos


  • Scott Jeslis

    Scott is one of the partners at Metal Express Radio. He handles a lot of Metal Express Radio's public relations, screening of new music and radio scheduling. On occasion, he also does reviews and interviews. He has been a proud member of the Metal Express Radio crew since 2004.

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