THE SIGN – The Second Coming (Redux)

THE SIGN - The Second Coming


Indigo Records
Release date: November 21, 2004

Vocals: B
Guitars: B-
Bass: C
Drums: B-
Keyboards: B
Recording Quality: B
Lyrics: B+
Originality: B
Overall Rating: B-

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

No you’re not seeing double and you’re not suffering from a bad case of deja vu! This is indeed the second time this release has been reviewed by Metal Express. If you missed the first review of this release then you might want to check that review out before continuing. Also, this release is still titled The Second Coming as the Redux portion in the title was added by Metal Express for filing purposes only.

So why the second review you ask? Quite simply, after Metal Express posted the original review, Mark Mangold (Keyboards, Drums and Main Man) contacted us to express his concerns. Mark explained that the Frontiers Records’ version was not mixed the way the band had intended the release to be heard. Mark quite sincerely asked for a second chance review by sending us the Indigo Records’ version.

Of course, the follow-up question becomes what has this different mix added to the overall quality of the release? The Indigo Records’ production is certainly cleaner and fresher sounding, albeit at the expense of being somewhat thinner and lower in decibels. The drums and keyboards have better separation, and, as a result, stand out more in this version. One can actually hear a cleaner snare sound, which ends up having a positive impact on the overall feel. The mix also has more reverb to it making it sound more live.

Unfortunately, a different mix wasn’t all that Frontiers added to their version of the release. They also added unnecessary “production fluff” in some areas (e.g., the phased section, noted in our original review). It’s also a shame that they cut two tracks from their version of the release, one being the exceptional classically influenced, instrumental “Trans Americana Symphony.” The Indigo liner also mentions an eighteenth track, “Love is Alive,” which doesn’t seem to show up on the CD, presumably a typographical error.

So if this type of operatic “thinking man’s” rock is your type of music, then it’s strongly recommended that you acquire the Indigo Records version. This is how the band had intended for it to sound, and quite frankly this mix does add to the overall experience.


Terry Brock: Vocals, guitar, mandolin
Randy Jackson: Vocals, guitar
Jon Binova: Guitar, bass
Mark Hermann: Bass, guitar
Mark Mangold: Keyboards, drums, vocals and production


  • Scott Jeslis

    Scott is one of the partners at Metal Express Radio. He handles a lot of Metal Express Radio's public relations, screening of new music and radio scheduling. On occasion, he also does reviews and interviews. He has been a proud member of the Metal Express Radio crew since 2004.

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